“Tables for Ladies (Detail),” 1930, Edward Hopper. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store
What are you hungry for? When it comes to spiritual nourishment, what we feed our souls can be the most important meal we ever take in.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” Matthew 5:6
What are you hungry for? When it comes to food, that question is not hard to answer. At least here in the United States, we are seemingly inundated with food to satisfy every type of craving our bodies can conjure up. Healthy foods, junk foods, fast foods, gourmet foods, sweet foods, savory foods…you name it we’ve got it, and plenty of types of beverages to go along with them! For me, when I am hungry, and I crave something specific, no matter how ravenous I become and no matter what is offered to me, I will only be satisfied by that one food item that I crave. Otherwise, I only fill up on something that is not what my tastebuds fully desire, and I end up full, but still craving something else. And on it goes…
When it comes to satisfying the soul, the same process applies. Whether we realize it or not, every one of us has a soul that can only be nourished by spiritual food. Like when we continuously fuel our physical bodies with foods that supply too many empty calories and not enough quality nutrients, our health suffers and our bodies begin to breakdown. If we do not start to eat the proper foods, sooner or later we begin to develop health issues, chronic or long term illness sets in which eventually leads to death. That process sounds extreme I know, but it happens more frequently than we’d like to admit. When that process takes place spiritually, the results are more dire than we realize.
“My grace is sufficient for you…” 2 Corinthians 12:9
In terms of our spiritual nourishment, how we answer the question, “What are you hungry for?” has much greater significance. When we feed our souls with hollow spirituality, empty promises, or false hope, our spiritual hunger pains continue to grow because we’ve not fed our souls with what they truly hunger for. We try filling our inner longing with material things, other people, or even ourselves. The cycle goes on, yet we know deep down inside that hunger, that spiritual need still has not been met. Being made in God’s image, we all have a hunger, a longing to be filled with spiritual food. It is a hunger that is always there and it demands to be satisfied. When we take the time to fill ourselves with what our hearts truly desire, we are not only fed, but as our souls are nourished, we become full and whole.
“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8
What are you hungry for? Are you hungry enough to taste and see how good the spiritual food that God has prepared for you is? If so, my hope is that you will be fully satisfied in Him.
Peace and love,

I hunger to be a better person.
That’s a great thing to strive for Lew!