To be transformed

to be transformed

“Transformation,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber,

“To be transformed by the renewing of your mind…”

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)

I have often pondered the valuable instruction that comes from this verse from scripture; to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”  Granted, I have not always followed it; I am too stubborn and wanting to do things my own way so much of the time.  When I choose to take control and essentially, say to God, “I’ve got this, I can handle it,” those are the times that He leads me right back to this verse.  But it’s my mind, it’s my body, I argue and rationalize time and again.  However, when I think about it, I never really have or handle anything apart from my faith, and it is only when I walk in it, that my mind is renewed and I am transformed.

I can think of countless times when I have tried to step out and plow through, to try to accomplish what needed to be done. I am not saying that when I choose to trust in God ‘s strength that things are easy; the frazzled days that I’ve written about recently are shining examples of those times. But I can honestly say that when I give up, step back, and hand the reigns over to Him, He leads me in the most splendid ways.  I am always amazed at what He does with what I’ve given to Him…indeed, He does “make all things work out for the good, for those who put their trust in Him.”, (taken from Romans 8:27-29).  Talk about transformation and the renewing of the mind!

Are you having one of those days, one of those weeks?  Do you feel like you don’t really “have this”?  Are you ready for renewal, for transformation?  I challenge you to step aside and give it all up to Him…I have no doubt you’ll be amazed at what He has planned for you.

I bid you peace and love,



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