Tag Archives: waves

On Crying…Tears of Hope

on crying…tears of hopeOn Crying…Tears of Hope

A Quote to Carry You

March 31, 2014

“Crying releases so much.  God thinks of everything…crying cleanses away what sadness brings.  Like fresh water flowing, the tears lead us through glistening waters to the welcoming shores of hope and love.”  Felecia R. Weber, OnthWingsofaDove.com

We all face sad times.  Life is full of them and they can spring upon us when we least expect them.  It is my hope for you when those times seep into your life, that you will not drown in your sorrows, but that you’ll stay afloat; ride the waves; splash onto shore…open your heart and from God’s abundant provision…let the blessings pour!

Peace and love to you,


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