Tag Archives: star

Magi – What’s in a word?


“Gifts of the Magi,” by Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

Magi…wise men, seeking hope from afar…

Wise men seeking hope from afar.

What was it they sought,

as they followed that star?

Majesty, power, greatness and all?

No, what they found was far greater,

and at the sight; to their knees they did fall.

Majesty, wise men, star, night, humble, royal, Bethlehem, a wondrous sight.

Magi – What’s in this word for you?  If you can tell me, please do!

The Magi were thought to be mysterious and wise.  They followed the star that led them to the place in which they expected to find someone so impressive that they traveled afar, bearing luxurious gifts.  But what they found was a most humbling sight indeed.  For as the shepherds were told, “This will be a sign to you:  You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”  (Luke 2:12).  No grandeur, no pomp and circumstance, yet the King of Kings was born…and He still reigns.

The Magi sought Jesus by following a star.  May you seek Him in your own way…and may you find Him.

Peace and love,




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On Following

On Following

followingA Quote to Carry You

December 15, 2014

“After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.  When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.”  Matthew 2:9-10

The story of the Magi in the Bible has always possessed an air of mystery in my opinion.  How did these three wise men know that following the star would lead them to something worthy of the precious gifts that they brought with them to give?  They traveled from places afar, they had so little to go on…following a star?  Perhaps more than mystery, these wise men provided a strong example of faith.  They believed in something so strongly that they forfeited a great deal of time and incurred much expense in order to receive it.  In following that star to give exquisite gifts from their riches, they received something far more valuable; something that cannot be bought, for the price has already been paid.

What are you following?  May it be the same thing that the wise men sought and found…and may you also receive the gift that gives through all eternity.

Peace and love,


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