Tag Archives: song

Hold On to the Music

Hold On to the Music

Hold On to the Music – Photograph by Radek Grzybowski/Unsplash

Hold On to the Music – No matter what tempo the music of life is playing at any given moment…we can stay in harmony when we tune our ears, and our hearts, to the song God has composed for each of us.

”It’s easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself.”  —Johann Sebastian Bach

Hold On to the Music

Hold on to the music,

Just let the lyrics sing.

For we never know what tempo

Each season of life will bring.

Hold on to the music,

Just let the instruments play.

When God is your conductor,

He’ll surely guide your way.

Hold on to the music,

Just let the melody hum.

Living surrendered to Him,

No matter what…blessings will come.

Felecia R. Weber 2019, www.OntheWingofaDove.com

Hold on to the music – Sometimes life can seem like a symphony being performed by an orchestra.  I often imagine myself as a musician playing a different instrument during each season of my life.  I visualize God as the conductor, with his baton leading me through the continuous rythym of each day.  I savor the tranquility of the calm melody that soothes my ears when things are going smoothly.  But before long, the steady beat of my drum gradually explodes into a crescendo of uncontrollable circumstances that throw me off-key.

 “No matter what tempo the music of life is playing at any given moment…we can stay in harmony when we tune our ears, and our hearts, to the song God has composed for each of us.”

Holding on to the music of life requires listening with our hearts, because when we live under God’s direction, it really is like hearing a love song.  Musically, nothing tugs at my emotions more than the long, rich strands of a bough gliding along the strings of a violin.  God’s love for us is like that, so deep and full, there is nothing that can separate us from him.  Whether life sings a joyous hallelujah or the most solemn of requiems, we need only hold on to the music of our composer’s voice.  For his love transcends anything we can possibly face.

”I am living my life to the beat of a different drum, and making my own beautiful music along the way.” —FRW

Peace and love,


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”Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”

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Birds of a Feather – Aloha and Angel

Birds of a featherBirds of a feather, Aloha and Angel they are…their chirping and singing can be heard from afar!

Birds of a Feather

Birds of a feather,

Aloha and Angel they are.

Their chirping and singing

can be heard from afar!

Birds of a featherAloha is quite lovely,

with her feathers of soft blue.

She’s so exciting to watch,

especially when she lays an egg or two!

Birds of a featherAngel is white and fluffy,

he truly resembles a cloud.

His song is so contagious,

before long, you too will be singing aloud!

Birds of a featherBirds of a featherBirds of a feather,

Aloha and Angel, they make quite a pair.

They inspire such beauty, energy and life.

Thank you feathered friends, for all that you share!

Birds of a featherPoem by Felecia R. Weber 2015, OntheWingofaDove.com; photographs courtesy of Marilyn Hill (Aloha’s and Angel’s mom)

“Calling all pet lovers!”

If you have a four-legged furry, or two-legged feathered friend that you’d like to have featured in a poem on my blog, email your cutest pictures and a short bio to me, Felecia at frosew04@gmail.com.

I hope to hear from you soon!

Peace and love,



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