Tag Archives: quotes

On Starting Over

On Starting Over

on starting overA Quote to Carry You

September 7, 2015

“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.”  George Eliot

On starting over – September for me always signifies the start of something new.  As summer fades, students head back to school, and many businesses gear up for the busiest shopping season of the year – the air seems to fill up with a sense of starting over.  If you are like me, there are may activities and traditions that I look forward to and enjoy during the autumn and the holiday seasons.  Although many of the activities are things that I do year after year, as it is with starting over, they all seem fresh and new each time I get to partake in them.  In fact, it is the feeling of anticipating new things to come, that makes those times so exciting.

What is it about starting over that you look forward to?  May your new beginning be filled with all that you’ve hoped for.

Peace and love,


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On Vacations

On Vacations

on vacationsA Quote to Carry You

July 20, 2015

“Laughter is an instant vacation.”  Milton Berle

On Vacations – I am certain that most of you would agree that, ’tis the season…for vacations that is! Whether you are planning some time off to visit with family and friends, trek off to the woods for hiking and camping, or set sail for an exotic adventure in a far off land, vacations are something to look forward to and to enjoy.  In fact, having time off to rest and get refreshed is welcome at any time of the year.  Not only is taking a break from the “daily grind” something to look forward to, it doesn’t necessarily have to want for summer or the holidays.

Given all of the changes in my “daily grind” over these past several months, I won’t have the luxury of taking time off for any vacations right away.  Be that as it may, it won’t stop me from enjoying some of the benefits that vacations provide.  For me, closing my eyes and envisioning myself traveling off to a sunny spot on the beach, wading along the waves and scrunching my toes up in the wet sand can be enough to brighten my day.  Thinking back and reminiscing about the wonderful vacations I’ve gotten to enjoy in the past are often just what I need to get me excited about what I have to look forward to when I do have the chance to get away.  Whether smiling for a brief moment over a treasured memory, or spending time perusing through photographs and laughing aloud at some funny things they’ve brought to mind, vacations have a way of invigorating us long after we’ve actually experienced them.

Whether you get to take one or more vacations for real, or at least get to daydream about the ones you’ll get to enjoy in the future, may they transport you away long enough to be refreshed…it is amazing what a little time away can do for you.

Peace and love,


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On Contentment

On Contentment

contentmentA Quote to Carry You

July 6, 2015

“Many people lose the small joys in the hope for the big happiness.”  Pearl S. Buck

On contentment – Contentment has as many different meanings as there are people.  For some, it means acquiring material items, for others, like me, it has more to do with time and how we use it.  Regardless of what it is that we seek in order for us to be content, I believe contentment has a deeper meaning.  I say that because in general, it seems that the more we have of something, the more we want of it.  Of course, the more we have of something, often times the more responsibility and care we must impart to keep and maintain it.  After a while, we become less and less contented with the very thing we sought contentment from…and we move on seeking after something else, and on it goes.

I believe that contentment is more of a state of mind where we can be contented no matter what we have or how much of it we have.  I invite you to join me this week and explore this theme of contentment.  I believe you will, like me, realize that true contentment has little to do with our outside circumstances, and everything to do with what’s inside of us.

Peace and love,


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Always Looking Up

Always looking up

Photograph courtesy of my nephew Zachary T. Weber

Always looking up literally gives me the lift that I need to accomplish what I have set out to do…

“Let us consider the way in which we live our lives.”  Henry David Thoreau

Always looking up – Have you ever considered how you actually live your life?  Are you always looking up? Or are you always looking down?  Of course, the majority of you will answer, “sometimes I look up and sometimes I look down”…and you are wise to do so.  My question however, goes a bit deeper than that.  For me, always looking up has more to do with my attitude about life rather than simply peering into a bright blue sky.  Although, a bright, sunlit sky can help motivate me to make more positive choices, no doubt.

It is interesting how looking upward, or taking a step forward for that matter, seems to signal positivity or expectancy of something good.  I’ve noticed that I often look up into space when I am concentrating on a particular thought or trying to focus my attention solely on one idea.  Whether I’ve dashed upstairs to get something, and forgotten what it was I went to retrieve once I’ve gotten their, or if I am trying to find the words to portray an idea in a post, looking up seems to lift me to a different level.  It is as though I am somehow transported to a place where I can clear my mind and find exactly what I am looking for.  Always looking up literally gives me the lift that I need to accomplish what I have set out to do no matter how large or small the task is.

When I am having one of those days where things seem to keep piling up and weighing me down, just bowing my head and caving in can be very tempting.  However, that will not keep things from continuing on their downward spiral.  In fact, they will likely bring me down even further.  When I am faced with such situations, I find that always looking up, to say a quiet prayer or to let out a desperate cry for help, puts me in the perfect posture to receive the help that I need, (which always comes from God above anyway).

I’ll ask the question again…going forward in life, how will you live, always looking up, or always looking down?  The answer may be challenging…may you soon realize, as I have, that always looking up is always best.

Peace and love,


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On Living in the Present

On Living in the Present

living in the presentA Quote to Carry You

May 11, 2015

“‘What Day is it?’  “It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.  “My favorite day.” said Pooh.”  A. A. Milne

On living in the present – There is a simplicity in living in the present; living each day as it comes.  I liken the ability to do that with having the heart of a child…something that all adults have experienced to some degree.  Imagine being able to awaken on Sunday morning and truly enjoy all of the blessings that unfold on that day of rest, rather that letting it quickly dwindle away because you’ve set your focus on the challenges that the start of the work week on Monday will bring. Or wouldn’t it be refreshing to take a walk in the rain without worrying that your hair will frizzle when it gets wet?  How about going ahead and splashing in the puddles without caring how muddy your clothes will get?  Or maybe try singing as loud as you want no matter who hears that you are terribly off key.  These are trivial things I know, but that’s my point.  In the whole scheme of things, are the “big” things in life that we worry about as important as we think?  Living in the present allows us to let go of the past, (it has gone, never to return), and stop grasping for the future, (it will arrive soon enough).  Why not give it a try?  You may find that living in the “present” really is a gift.

May you live today in the present…and may each day be your favorite one too.

Peace and love,


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On Nature

On Nature

on natureA Quote to Carry You

April 27, 2015

“There is a slumbering subterranean fire in nature which never goes out, and which no cold can chill.”  Henry David Thoreau (A Winter Walk)

On nature. There is something about our physical world that exudes a vibrancy that cannot be ignored.  Even when something in nature appears to be dead, like the cold, hard, rigid ground during the dead of winter, it eventually springs to life yielding a treasure trove of delight once warm temperatures begin to filter the air.  I liken the dramatic transformation of the earth when it transitions from winter into spring to what happens to us each night.  When we slumber, and fall off into a deep, restorative sleep, our bodies may appear to have stopped breathing as though we were dead.  However, beneath the surface of our skin, our internal organs are undergoing countless bodily processes that help to keep us strong, healthy, alive and well.  When we awaken we are filled with a fresh supply of energy…ready to start a brand new day.

As you live through your new day, may you take the time to enjoy the radiance of nature, and all that it has to offer.

Peace and love,


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On Passion

On Passion

on passionA Quote to Carry You

March 23, 2015

“Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.”  Emily Dickinson

On passion…What is it that drives you, that motivates you, that propels you forward?  What evokes your most powerful emotions and musters up for you an insatiable appetite?  Whatever your passion is, there is no substitute for it.  In fact, I believe that one cannot truly live without it.  I challenge you to seek out and feed that thing that is uniquely yours.  Passion, experience it, live it, share it and inspire those around you.


Peace and love,


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On Limits

On Limits

on limitsA Quote to Carry You

March 2, 2015

“Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.”  Albert Einstein

On Limits…It seems to me that there is an innate part of human nature that causes us to push our limits and go beyond any boundaries that seem to confine us.  Creatively speaking, that is an essential attribute to have.  That is what motivates an artist to hone his skills and develop a style all his own.  It is the driving forces that causes a musician to play her instrument in a way that produces the purest sound, to create the most exquisite music.  I shudder to think how dull the world would seem if we never pushed our personal limits…can you imagine?

What are some of your personal limits?  Are you willing to go beyond their boundaries and see how you can color our world?  How will you share your unique vision and distinguishable voice?

Peace and love,


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