Tag Archives: quote

On Blessings

On Blessings

blessingsA Quote to Carry You

June 29, 2015

“Reflect upon your present blessings–of which every man has many–not on your past misfortunes, in which all men have some.”  Charles Dickens, from A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Writings

On blessings – I have so much to be grateful for, blessings abound all around me. Sometimes they are hard to see – not because they are not there, but because I fail to notice them.  Reflecting on the quote above made me realize that when we do fail to notice our blessings, they are not really considered blessings to us at all.  What a pity that is.

May you take the time today, and every day, to embrace and enjoy each blessing in your life to the full…I think you’ll be amazed at how bless you truly are.

Peace and love,


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On Living Deeply

On Living Deeply

living deeplyA Quote to Carry You

June 22, 2015

“The universe is wider than our view of it.”  Henry David Thoreau

On living deeply – Summer has arrived, a whole new season has blossomed right before our eyes.  Isn’t it amazing how no matter what is going on in our daily lives, the cycle of nature silently revolves, uninterrupted and consistently.  Outside my den window right now, the trees are adorned with vibrant shades of green leaves swaying ever so gently in the mild breeze.  It is as though they are whispering a song of welcome to the new season.  In three short months time, those same branches will be splattered with hints of red and golden hues signaling that autumn is fast approaching.  Their leaves will surely rustle and clamor to a different tune by then.  I only hope that, like today, I will take the time to pause and receive the beautifully fascinating gift that God has created and bestowed upon us.

Living deeply, experiencing our world in the profound way that it deserves…can you imagine how much more valuable your own life would be if you do just that?

Peace and love,


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On Intimacy

On Intimacy

leisureA Quote to Carry You

June 8, 2015

“Sometimes the only way the good Lord can get into some hearts is to break them.” Fulton J. Sheen

On intimacy…By definition, intimacy is a relationship marked by acquaintance or familiarity.  It is something essential, innermost, personal and private.   It is the foundation upon which close friends can build a lifetime of shared experiences.  Intimacy has a way of touching our hearts so profoundly that it can be one of the most valuable treasures that life can offer us.

Although having an intimate relationship with another is a most wonderful thing, it is not an inseparable one.  Be it by death or some other circumstance, it can end whether we want it to or not.  When the bonds of intimacy between individuals are broken, we needn’t despair.  When it comes to true intimacy, which I personally describe as being the deepest and purest love that anyone can ever experience, God is the answer, for his love is complete.  Having created us, he knows every intricate detail about each of us.  He is faithful and promises to never leave nor forsake us.  He knows how to fulfill our heart’s desire, and he longs to do just that…forever,  I can’t think of a better example of intimacy than that, can you?

Peace and love,


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On Leisure

On Leisure

leisureA Quote to Carry You

June 1, 2015

“Guard well your spare moments.  They are like uncut diamonds.  Discard them and their value will never be known.  Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

On leisure…I don’t know about you, but it seems that when it comes to keeping busy with work or other tedious activities, I excel time and time again.  Regarding leisure, taking the time to rest and relax, well, let’s suffice it to say that I could use a lesson or two in that department!  For me, time seems to be the one thing that gets used up more quickly than any other resource that I have.  In the same vein, spare time is one of my most valuable assets.  It is somewhat of a paradox, time and how I spend it.  Since I often seem to have so little of it to spare on any given day, shouldn’t setting some of it aside to rest and enjoy it be a high priority?  Hmmm…I think I’ve just answered my own question!

How about you; do you allow time for leisure in your daily or weekly schedule?  Are you missing out on all that rest and relaxation have to offer you?  May you take the time for leisure, no matter what it may cost you…I think you’ll realize, as I have myself, that in the long run, not taking the time to take a break is something that you really cannot afford.

Peace and love,


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On Listening

On Listening

listeningA Quote to Carry You

May 18, 2015

“But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.”  Micah 7:7

On listening – Do you ever hear someone say something to you but when you try to recall what they’ve said, you realize that you hadn’t really listened to them?  Listening involves a great deal more of engaging with someone else than we may think.  I believe that a large part of listening includes more than just hearing; it also means concentrating on what has been said and seeking to absorb and understand it.  When we take the time to go a little deeper and try to comprehend what is being said between the words, then we can fully know how to respond wisely.  As in the scripture verse above, listening also requires a certain amount of observing and waiting.  Sometimes it is difficult to decipher the full meaning of what someone is trying to say when it is written in a note or even relayed over the phone.  When we await the opportunity to converse face to face, we truly receive the message in full.  Many of the best things in life come about similarly.  Giving our full attention to what God is revealing in our lives and awaiting the outcome that we’ve long anticipated to be manifested completely, makes intently listening, (not only with our ears, but with our hearts as well), all the more gratifying.

May you take the time to listen intently to the world around you, and seek out what God is saying to you.  You may be surprised by how blessed you truly are.

Peace and love,


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On Emotions

On Emotions

on emotionsA Quote to Carry You

April 6, 2015

“When it comes to emotions…you can either take them or they will take you…it all depends on who’s in the driver’s seat.”  Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

On emotions…Emotions are powerful; they have the capability to lift us up and to bring us down.  They can be so intense that they can cause us to believe strongly in something whether it be true or not. Emotions can coax out the best in us and the worst in us. At times it may feel as though we have no control over them, but rest assured, we do.  As quickly as an emotion can come on, it can just as easily be turned off…it takes effort, but it can be done.  Whichever direction your emotions are driving you today, remember that ultimately, you have control over the steering wheel…may you enjoy your journey.



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On Enjoying Life

On Enjoying life

on enjoying lifeA Quote to Carry You

March 9, 2015

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”  Eleanor Roosevelt

On enjoying life…I always feel more alive when I am heading in what seems like a zillion directions.  I move about faster, my mind thinks more sharply and clearly, and I have endless energy…I just can’t sit still!  I no sooner finish one activity than I am beginning the next!  Life, having a life bursting with purpose and meaning…that’s a big part of what makes it worth living!  I am on the brink of starting an exciting new chapter in my life and I have every intention of enjoying every bit of it!

What about you?  How are you experiencing life?  I challenge you to live your life as fully as possible…enjoy!

Peace and love,


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On Confidence

On Confidence

on confidenceA Quote to Carry You

February 23, 2015

“You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.”   Eleanor Roosevelt

On Confidence…Confidence is a quality that is somewhat like a double-edged sword.   Without enough of it, you may never reach your potential.  On the other hand, if you have too much of it, you may squander the chance to reach your potential, because you think you’re already there.  Hmmm, definitely something to consider.

Peace and love,


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