Doors Open, Doors Close – Photograph by Peter Oswald/Unsplash
Doors Open, Doors Close – Some doors open, but we never step inside. Other times we rush in, looking for a place to hide.
”Look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else.” —Tom Stoppard
Doors Open, Doors Close
Doors open, doors close…
Some doors open, but we never step inside.
Other times we rush in, looking for a place to hide.
Doors open, doors close…
We knock, not knowing what we’ll find.
Is it something new or the same as what we’ve left behind?
Doors open, doors, close…
It’s okay to go slowly; carefully turn the knob and take a peek.
It takes a great deal of courage to go after that which we seek.
Doors open, doors close…
Once you’ve entered, it’s up to you what happens next…
You are the author, fill your new world with spectacular text!
Felecia R. Weber 2019, www.OntheWingofaDove.com
Doors open, doors close – Can you imagine being inside a mansion filled with rooms; each one hidden behind closed doors? Turning the knob, and hearing it click is so exciting! It’s hard not to burst through the door to see what’s behind it. Ahhh, a beautiful, sun-filled room beckons you to enter. What a wonderful welcome, until the blazing heat begins to smother you and you dash to the next door. You open it so quickly that you nearly tumble through this doorway. Brrr, the room is starkly different from the last. Dark, dreary and cold, you start to shiver. You back up to exit and slam the door shut, hoping the next one will offer something just right for you.
Sound familiar? Isn’t life like that?…
Life can be like a series of opened doors that cause us to either step out and move forward, or step back and try to hold onto the past. There are so many factors that lead us to making the decisions that we make. Sometimes they are positive and we make great strides in accomplishing our goals. Other times, our choices can cause us to fall flat on our faces, and lose more than we’d ever imagined. Indeed, doors open…and doors close.
”A very little key will open a very heavy door.” —Charles Dickens
I believe that no matter what is on the other side of the threshold…the important thing is that we step through it. Knock lightly, or bust the door wide open, only you can determine how long you’ll stay in the new place you’ve entered into…and how pleasing it will be. Go on…turn the knob.
Peace and love,
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”Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”
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