Tag Archives: poem



“The Calm Sea,” 1869, Gustave Courbet. Image from a page of the 2012 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

Searching for something, not sure what I’ll find…


I’m searching for something,

I’m not sure what I’ll find.

Could it be way into my future?

Or what I’ve simply left behind? Continue reading

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The Tempter

The Tempter

“King Lear,” Act I, Scene I (Detail), 1898, Edwin Austin Abbey. Image from the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

The Tempter…seductive, alluring, he’s familiar to all; watch your step, be on guard, he may cause you to fall…

The Tempter


His motives are dark, insidious and mean,

he tempts us, he tricks us,

yet he’s not visibly seen.

He’s crafty, he’s clever,

who’d claim him a friend? Continue reading

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Who Is She?

Who Is She?

“Who Is She?, a photograph of my niece Leia Gabrielle

Who Is She? Do we really know ourselves as well as we think?

Who Is She?

Is she frail, vulnerable, quiet and shy?

Is she childlike, inquisitive, and always asking why?

Is she dark, aloof, and mysteriously unknown?

Is she confident enough to stand all on her own?

Is she full of life? Does she have vigor for it?

Will she embrace and use her talent, or simply ignore it?

Is she one who will strive for good and not fall?

No matter the cost; even if asked to give her all?

I wonder, who she is; given the chance to prove,

Will her inner love and compassion cause her to move?

To love others deeply; to give of herself from her heart,

May she steadily seek these qualities and may they never depart.

Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

“I am living my life to the beat of a different drum, and I am making my own beautiful music along the way.”  Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

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Into the Woods

Into the Woods

“Fontainebleau Forest, CA,” 1860, Eugene Cuvelier. Image from a page of the 2012 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

Into the woods…a new year is here!

Into the Woods

A new year is dawning; like stepping into the woods.

Is it bright and fragrant, the sun’s rays pouring through?

As tree branches stretch high, to touch the sky’s brilliant blue.

A new year is dawning; like stepping into the woods.

Is it dark, cold and damp, a scary place to be?

With twists and turns that won’t let you free. Continue reading

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My Little Friend

My Little Friend

My little friend “Bilbo”

My Little Friend…some friends have more than two feet!

This poem was inspired by my little four-legged friend, our Yorkie named “Bilbo”.  He is living proof that friends come in all sizes, shapes, and they are not always human!

My Little Friend

My Little Friend

“Bilbo”…a little tuckered out after a few too many rounds of playing fetch!

My little friend is cute

and oh so funny.

He is warm, cuddly,

and as sweet as honey.

He barks, a lot, he loves attention,

he loves to walk, to play,

and to bark, did I mention? Continue reading

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A Song in My Heart

A Song in My Heart

“Two Young Girls at the Piano” (Detail), 1892, Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Image taken from a page of the 2011 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

I have a song in my heart today!

“Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.  For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.”  Psalm 33:3-4

A Song in My Heart

I have a song in my heart today,

oh my, it’s a happy one!

I can’t get it out of my head;

it’s playing over and over.

I have a song in my heart today,

oh how it makes me smile! Continue reading

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For the Eye of the Beholder

for the eye of the beholder

“Sparkle,” graphite pencil drawing, Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

Art is what you make it…

An artist sees the world as a blank canvas; he interprets it in his own way.  It becomes a new creation, a gift waiting to be opened and enjoyed by all who gaze upon it.

For the Eye of the Beholder

Beautiful, lovely, gorgeous,

Sensual, attractive, appealing,

Dark, deep, solemn,

Wild, lively, vibrant,

A shape, a mood, a feeling,

An object, cold and abstract,

Something heartwarming and desirable, Continue reading

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Resting in Him

Resting in Him

“Water Lilies” (Detail), 1919, Claude Monet. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

Resting in Him, trusting in Him, then I am at peace with myself and those around me.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.”  Psalm 23:1-3

Resting in Him

Resting in Him,

there is no other way.

Resting in Him,

to be at peace today. Continue reading

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