Tag Archives: poem

Life Is Good

life is good

Forest scene, photograph by David Brown


Life is good…no matter what…it’s all in how you live it!

“It is not the length of life, but the depth of life.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Life Is Good

Life is good.

There’s no other way to see it.

Go ahead and live your life…just be it!

Life is good.

No matter what you’ve been given.

There is no substitute for life…and livin’!

Life is good.

Sure some days will be dark.

Don’t dwell on them though; or you’ll surely miss the mark!

Life is good.

I think of life as an enormous gift.

Let the wonder of each day unfold and give your spirits a lift!

Life is good.

And just think of how much there is left in store.

Why not see for yourself; go on…just step outside the door!

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

May you always see the goodness of life, no matter what you are going through…and may you always live it to the fullest.  Carpe diem!

Peace and love,



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Armed for Battle

armed for battle

“The Sea,” 1873, Gustave Courbet. Image from a page of the 2012 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store


Armed for battle…the first step is to realize that the battle does not belong to us…

“…This is what the Lord says to you:  ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army.  For the battle is not yours, but God’s’ .”  2 Chronicles 20:15

Armed for Battle

Trusting in the Lord,

I stand firm when facing despair.

Never wavering, I march ahead.

I am armed for battle.

I fight against what cannot be seen.

My enemy schemes to defeat me.

Without God’s help I cannot win.

I am armed for battle.

My battlefield stretches far beyond my sight.

The strikes against me, oh how they pound.

Where do I turn? To you Lord I flee.

I am armed for battle.

You Lord equip me with all that I need.

Although I may tremble, in my own strength.

Your truth, your righteousness, and your peace defend me.

I am armed for battle.

You are like fortress, where I am shielded from harm.

The trials you allow are my training ground.

Lord, I need never surrender to anyone but you,

for I am armed for battle.

Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

There is beauty in the battle…when we allow God to fight for us! 

Peace and love,


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To Be Or Not To Be

to be or not to be

“The Artist’s Wife and His Setter Dog,” (Detail), 1884-89, Thomas Eakins. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store


To be, or not to be…we all face life-changing challenges; those events that make us question who we really are…

“To be, or not to be:  that is the question…” (excerpt from “To Be Or Not To Be,” Spoken by Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1, by William Shakespeare)

To Be Or Not To Be

To be or not to be;

a strange thing to ponder; is it not?

The choices we make, the consequences they wrought;

does what we do make a difference, or is it all for naught?

To be or not to be;

a complicated question indeed.

To live our lives for ourselves, to make a way of our own;

or to live for others, serving them, providing all that they need.

To be or not to be;

is the whole concept more than that?

What we do, is not who we are, why do we do what we do?

To make a living, to find meaning, is that where it’s at?

To be or not to be;

will we ever know what it is all about?

The meaning to life, what each one of us is here for;

surely there is an answer, keep on searching and you’ll find out.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

“Now we see  a blurred image in a mirror.  Then we will see very clearly.  Now my knowledge is incomplete.  Then I will have complete knowledge as God has complete knowledge of me.”  1 Corinthians 13:12 

May you “be” today, all that you are meant to be.

Peace and love,


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Max and Mia, What a Lively Pair!

max and mia

Meet Max and Mia, my sister Marjorie’s two adorable miniature Schnauzers. They certainly keep her on the go!


Max and Mia are always on the go…here is a glimpse of this pair of lively pups.  Just a warning…you’d better dawn your walking shoes!

Max and Mia, What a lively Pair!

Max and Mia, what a lively pair!

They were once little orphans full of despair.

max and mia

Max…Hi! Here I am!

Max was adopted first; he is dog number one.

Then Mia came along; they are both loads of fun!

max and mia

Mia…Hi! I am here too!

Max is rambunctious, he loves to run and play catch.

Mia loves treats, “Hey Mom, will you make me a batch?”

max and mia

Marjorie takes “the little ones,” as she calls them, for a walk most every day…hmmm, or do they take her for a walk?

Taking a walk can be quite an ordeal,

But they never fuss when it’s time for a meal.

max and mia

Max is sharp and full of energy…now who wouldn’t want to play catch with such a cutie?

Max is brave; his bark is fierce for his size.

Mia’s yelps sound like she’s singing whenever she cries.

max and mia

Mia is sweet and a bit shy…who can resist being drawn to those gorgeous eyes?

Max and Mia, how precious are they?

If you ever get to meet them, they’ll surely make your day!

(Poem by Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com; photographs by Marjorie Karimi-Carter)

“Calling all dog lovers!”

If you have a four-legged fury friend you’d like to have featured in a poem on On the Wing of a Dove…Enjoying life beautifully!, simply email you cutest pictures and a short bio of your dog to me, Felecia, at frosew04@gmail.com and stay tuned!

I hope to hear from you soon!

Peace and love,



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On Eagle’s Wings

on eagle's wings

“Spring,” 2005, graphite pencil drawing by Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com


On Eagle’s Wings…it’s all in the waiting; for His timing is perfect and His way is clear…

“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”  Isaiah 40:31

On Eagle’s Wings

On eagle’s wings you carry me,

from all that causes me to fear.

Wherever I go, whatever I do;

I know that you are always near.

On eagle’s wings you carry me,

Lord, only you have the power to see,

What the future holds, what I am to do;

teach me your ways; your servant I’ll always be.

On eagle’s wings you carry me,

I will never give up the fight.

Your Word is my strength, your Holy Spirit my guide;

trusting in you; I’ll never be out of your sight.

On eagle’s wings you carry me,

though the journey be varied and long.

I can rise above any trouble I face;

for in your truth I can never go wrong.

Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

May the peace  of the Lord be always with you,


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The Body Beautiful

the body beautiful

Seated Female Nude, 1853-54, Eugene Durieu. Image from a page of the 2014 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store


The Body Beautiful…the human body can be thought of as an instrument who’s lyrics create a language all its own.

The Body Beautiful

A lyrical form, the human body is.

Swaying gracefully to a rhythm all its own.

A body in motion, nothing can match,

not even the fluid line of the artist’s brush.

A statue it makes so smooth, yet refined…

a quiet stillness breathing life deeply within.

Its music? How luscious, most beautiful of all.

Each vein hums the melody that beats from the heart.

The human form, the essence of perfection…

and the mind equally yoked with intricate brilliance.

Like a vessel, the skin holds inside; a precious jewel…life!

Play your instrument, sing  your words softly.

Let the world take notice…the body beautiful…is you.

Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

May you resonate fully with the beauty that is you!

Peace and love,


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Beautiful In Its Time

beautiful in its time

“Wild Roses and Irises,” 1887, John La Farge. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store


“He has made everything beautiful in its time…”  Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but one can hardly fail to see beauty in all of God’s creation.

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”  Ecclesiastes 3:11

Beautiful In Its Time

Out of solemn darkness, from the night did he make;

the dazzling warmth and awesome brightness of daybreak.

God created everything…beautiful in its time.

From the heavens, a vast canopy reaching high above;

to the depths of the earth, nothing was made without His love.

From the graceful creatures that swim in the sea;

to the soaring birds of the air; how can it be?

God created everything…beautiful in its time.

From lush vegetation bursting with life;

a bountiful harvest brought forth without strife.

From the dust of the earth, and the breath of His soul,

God made man and woman; together with Him they are whole.

God created everything…beautiful in its time.

God created all things on the earth full of beauty;

to nurture and preserve them, that is our humble duty.

What a wonder, what a treasure, this place in which we live.

To my creator and my God, to you all gratitude do I give.

Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com


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This Is My World

This is my world

“Here she is again, Halo Rose…my how she’s grown!”

This Is My World…welcome to it!

A day in the life of Halo Rose

This is my world.

How I love to play…

In fact, that is how I start each and every day!

This is my world

“As you can see, playing with her many toys has been Halo’s favorite pastime ever since she was a puppy!”

This my world,

How I love to explore…

My tail keeps on wagging whenever I dart out the door!

This is my world

“Hmmm, I am not sure what she loves more, the diving board, or the peanut that her mom, Marilyn Hill used to keep her still for this photograph!”

This is my world,

How I love to share…

My big sister and me, we make quite the pair!

This is my world

“Halo keeps her big sister Penny Sparkle on her toes…both day and night!”

This is my world,

How I love to help…

If my Dad makes a mistake, I give a big “Yelp”!

This is my world

“Halo loves to help her dad, Dick Hill, whenever she can…a second pair of eyes never hurts, right?”

This is my world,

How I love to try new things…

But some things, I’ve found are just for human beings!

“Well, I suppose this photograph needs no explanation!”

This is my world,

How I loved sharing it with you…

Please come back and visit soon…I’ll have lots more to share with you!

Bye for now…Halo Rose

Nap time!

(poem by Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com; photographs by Marilyn Hill)

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