Tag Archives: poem

Penny Sparkle

Penny Sparkle

“Hello!” Meet Penny Sparkle, the beautiful Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, who belongs to our dear friends, Marilyn and Dick Hill.


Penny Sparkle lights up the room…her dazzling eyes are like flowers in bloom!

Penny Sparkle

Penny Sparkle is a bright and lovely girl,

She’s so full of spunk, her life is a whirl!

Penny Sparkle

“Happy Halloween!…guess who!”

When she is around, she lights up the room.

Her dazzling eyes are like flowers in bloom!

Penny Sparkle

Penny’s retriever instincts make her outdoor playtime an adventure.

Penny loves to play and romp in the snow.

Her hunting instincts always keep her on the go!

Penny Sparkle

Penny having fun with her little sister Halo Rose.

She’s a very good big sister to Halo Rose.

Deep down inside she’s still a pup, from her head to her toes!

Penny Sparkle

Penny taking a break at nap time with her older brother Mardi Gras.

When the day is done and it’s time for a rest;

no doubt Penny will be dreaming of her next day’s quest!


Penny Sparkle

“Thanks for visiting…hope to see you again soon!”)

(Poem by Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove,com.  Photographs courtesy of Marilyn Hill.)

“Calling all dog lovers!”

If you have a four-legged furry friend that you’d like to have featured in a poem on my blog, email your cutest pictures and a short bio to me, Felecia, at frosew04@gmail.com.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Peace and love,


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My Family Tree

My Family Tree

“Family Pride,” a portrait of my niece Leia Gabrielle

My family tree.  My family heritage means more than glancing at old photographs on the wall…it is a part of who I am.

“Like branches on a tree, our lives may grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one.” (author unknown)

My Family Tree

(I dedicate this poem to my wonderful family)

A seed was planted long ago,

one man, one woman, how could they know?

That what they had started would ever be,

the beginning of my wonderful family.

As the branches sprouted, the generations grew,

like leaves of many colors, from many cultures they drew.

Each branch growing stronger, nourishing the others;

sharing talents and gifts between sisters and brothers.

Year after year, the family lives on for different reasons.

Adapting to changes as naturally as the seasons.

There is something that holds us together and we weather the tide;

all these things, family heritage, family love, family faith and family pride.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

May you always sense the richness of your own family heritage and honor those who’ve walked before you.

Peace and love,


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My Happiness, My Joy

My Happiness, My Joy

“The Singer In Green,” 1884, Edgar Degas. Image from a page of the 2012 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store


My happiness, my joy…it radiates like the sun; it’s like a flame of fire.

“You have put gladness in my heart.” Psalm 4:7

My Happiness, My Joy

My happiness, my joy,

I don’t always know how to describe it.

Sometimes it seems so far away;

it waivers from day to day.

My happiness, my joy,

It is more than just a feeling at times.

It makes me smile, and laugh, and sing aloud;

and I am like a vast, bright sky without a cloud.

My happiness, my joy,

When it’s in my heart it filters through my being.

It radiates like the sun; it’s like a flame of fire.

I feel free as a bird; as if I can soar higher and higher.

My happiness, my joy,

There is one thing about it that I know for sure.

It doesn’t come from the things of the world that surround me;

but rather, it comes from God’s love, which He gives so willingly.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”  John 15:11

May God’s love be the source of your happiness and your joy, today and always.

Peace and love,


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America, You’re Beautiful!

America, You're Beautiful!

“Red Geranium,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

America, you’re beautiful!  How thankful I am to have been born in such a nation as this.

America, You’re Beautiful!

America, your beautiful!

How fortunate are we.

To live in this nation bought with a price;

it is that blood that keeps us free.

Your beauty is unending, your richness is so vast.

Your land has yielded so much for us,

it is up to us to help make is last.

America, you’re beautiful!

How your history flows though the pages.

You welcome people from all over the world,

you have served them throughout the ages.

Through strife and victory, God has blessed us so bountifully.

We’ve trusted Him with everything,

may His grace cover us continually.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

Please join me as we approach the day of celebrating the birth of our nation, and reflect upon all of the goodness we enjoy in our beautiful America.

Peace to you,



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The Hazy, Lazy Days of Summer

hazy, lazy days of summer

“A Lazy Afternoon,” graphite pencil drawing by Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com


The hazy, lazy days of summer – what a welcome time of year to relax, renew and enjoy!

The Hazy, Lazy Days of Summer

The hazy, lazy days of summer;

what a welcome time to relax and renew.

Splashing in the pool, swinging softly on the porch,

treading barefoot along shimmering grass kissed with dew.

The hazy, lazy days of summer;

they take me back to when I was a child.

Playing outdoors all day long, from sun up to sun down.

Each hour seemed extra long and the air, oh so mild.

The hazy, lazy days of summer;

filled with backyard barbecues and walks along the beach,

drive-in movies, the tune of the ice cream truck;

and the skies cluttered with stars that almost seem within reach.

The hazy, lazy days of summer;

they are timeless and always easy to enjoy.

But didn’t they somehow seem more magical,

when you were a little girl or little boy?

Felecia R. Weber 2014, On theWingofaDove.com

Wishing you a Happy Summer!

Peace to you,


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Daddy (a Father’s Day tribute)


“Daddy and Me,” photograph of my Dad, Edward Hyford Myers, and me taken on my wedding day; the happiest day of my life.


Daddy (a Father’s Day tribute).  There are so many things that I wish to tell you Daddy, things that I’ll cherish forever…

Daddy (a Father’s Day tribute)

I’ve always been told that I look just like you,

with your skin such a rich shade of brown.

And my quiet, gentle nature, that comes from you too,

Daddy, those things make me smile, and never frown.

I remember the many special times we’ve shared when I was a child;

the times you took us fishing, and to the beach, and to the zoo.

It’s not so much what we did or where we went,

Daddy, what made them special, was just being with you.

I’m sure it wasn’t always easy, raising a family and all.

We three girls kept you and Mom busy; always being on the go!

It may not seem like I paid attention to what you’d tell me at times,

Daddy, rest assured, it was from you that I’ve learned so much that I know.

There are so many qualities that I see in and admire about you.

Your patience, your caring, your wisdom and versatility;

They all reflect your sincere faith and trust in the Lord,

Daddy, thank you so much for being such a strong example to me.

We are so much alike, in so many ways;

and even though we don’t always say much aloud,

I’ve always felt a closeness to you, a bond that will always be.

Daddy, I love you; and having you as my father makes me proud.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

Happy Father’s Day!



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Oh That Jackson!

Oh That Jackson

Meet Jackson, the five year old terrier mix who belongs to my dear friend Lew Eliacopoulos. This little guy is small, but oh is he feisty!


Oh that Jackson!  That’s what I say to myself whenever I see this little guy; small he may be, but never underestimate his unending supply of energy!

Oh That Jackson!

Oh that Jackson, what a cute little guy.

He’s small and he’s feisty, but he’s certainly not shy!

oh that Jackson

Jackson in action!

He has very good manners; he never ever begs.

He leaps up in the air like he has springs in his legs!

Oh that Jackson, it is rare when he sits still.

When he does take a rest, he likes to snuggle up and chill.

oh that Jackson

Chill time…be right back!

He has a big sister; Sammy is her name.

She keeps Jackson in line when he’s not being tame.

Jackson with his big sister Sammy…she keeps a watchful eye over him.  Wherever she is, Jackson is not far behind!

Here he is with his big sister Sammy…she keeps a watchful eye over him. Wherever she is, he is not far behind!

Oh that Jackson, what a good little friend.

So glad to share a bit of his story…The End.


I hope you've you've enjoyed my story…bye, bye!

I hope you’ve you’ve enjoyed my story…bye, bye!

Poem by Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com; photographs by Lew Eliacopoulos, Festibrate.com

“Calling all dog lovers!”

If you have a four-legged furry friend that you’d like to have featured in a poem on my blog, email your cutest pictures and a short bio to me, Felecia, at frosew04@gmail.com.

Hope to hear from you soon!





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Rating: +8 (from 8 votes)

Safe and Secure

safe and secure

“Beagle Puppy,” graphite pencil drawing by Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com


Being safe and secure…two things we never need to worry about when we put our trust in God; for his provision is sure.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing…I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”  Psalm 23:1,4

Safe and Secure

Safe and secure,

What it means to me;

not being afraid, of what the future holds for me.

To know that I truly belong;

when I am accepted, even when I may be wrong.

Safe and secure,

Having love shown to me;

being valued and wanted in ways I can see.

Having all that I need;

to live, to be fruitful, to learn and to take heed.

Safe and secure,

Indeed, I’ll always be;

I can be nothing less, because God is here with me.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

Peace to you,



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