Tag Archives: poem

The Power of Life

power of life

Photograph courtesy of my nephew, Zachary T. Weber

The power of life, the force of our being, that which makes us alive…

“The the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”  Genesis 2:7

The Power of Life

The power of life,

the force of our being,

that which makes us alive.

The physical body is only a shell,

but the power of life makes us thrive!

God breathed life into every soul,

each uniquely and wonderfully made.

Sacred, exquisite, a gift to behold;

life is precious and should never be betrayed.

The power of life, all that I do, all that I am…

God’s hand is in it, that’s true.

He gives me all that I need to grow,

to flourish in life…what about you?

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

May your day be full of the power of life…live it to the fullest!

Peace and love,


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Mardi Gras’ Masquerade

mardi gras' masquerade

This is Mardi Gras, the dainty, little Papillon who. belongs to my dearest friends, Dick & Marilyn Hill.

Mardi Gras’ Masquerade,  oh my, he’s such a joy…

Mardi Gras’ Masquerade

mardi gras' masquerade

Mardi Gras, “jumping for joy!”

Mardi Gras’ masquerade,

oh my, he’s such a joy.

He’s quiet-natured, but don’t be fooled;

’cause he’s also a swift and sly boy!

Mardi gras' masquerade

Mardi Gras’ butterfly ears and beads.

A Papillon this dainty dog is,

his ears are butterfly shaped.

He’s light on his feet and so hard to catch,

sometimes though, he’s only narrowly escaped.

mardi gras' masquerade

“Okay, I’m ready for my picture to be taken, please!”

Mardis Gras’ masquerade,

He loves to dress up in his clothes.

You’d swear there is royalty in his blood,

for he’s so graceful from his head to his toes.

mardi gras' masquerade

“Catch me if you can!”

He loves to dart around the yard,

he’ll give his siblings a run for their money.

But when he’s nestled down for an afternoon nap,

well, Mardi Gras is just as sweet as honey!

mardi gras' masquerade

“Yawn!…nite, nite.”

Poem by Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com; photographs courtesy of Marilyn Hill.

Mardi gras' masquerade

Can you guess who this is?

“Calling all dog lovers!”

If you have a four-legged furry friend that you’d like to have featured in a poem on my blog, email your cutest pictures and a short bio to me, Felecia at frosew04@gmail.com.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Peace and love,


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Jack Sparrow

Jack SparrowJack Sparrow…Your trust was so evident; I could see it in your bright eyes.  I knew that all you needed was shelter and gentle care…

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?  Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.”  Matthew 10:29

Jack Sparrow

So tired and helpless was how you came to me,

I didn’t know why at first, for your wound I didn’t see.

You responded with gratefulness much to my surprise.

Your trust was so evident; I could side it in your bright eyes.

I knew that all you needed was shelter and gentle care…

someday soon I had hoped you’d be back flying high up in the air.

But no, God had a different plan for you, my dear little friend.

Now you are soaring high in heaven, forever free, without end.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

Jack SparrowPhotographs of “Jack Sparrow,” courtesy of Marilyn Hill.  (Marilyn found this wounded little sparrow in her yard one morning and she took him in under the shelter of her love and care.  He gave her as much joy as the help she gave to him during his brief stay with her.)

I dedicate this poem to all of those who have touched my heart deeply; no matter how briefly.

Peace and love,



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Jonathan’s Friend

Jonathan's friend

Jonathan’s friend, an Adler Flycatcher bird

Jonathan’s friend…those for whom we care so much are not always human.  Nonetheless, the gratitude they give has a way of touching our hearts deeply.

Animals have a way of touching our hearts in ways that humans cannot.  I have experienced such warmth and love over the years from our little family dogs, Sidney and Bilbo.  When they first entered our home, Sidney as a puppy and Bilbo as an adult dog that we adopted, I felt the need to care for and protect them.  As they gradually became part of our family, our “four-legged furry children,” it seems as though they were the ones providing much of the love and caring.

The poem below is based on a true-life story which was relayed to me by my dear friend and Godmother, Marilyn Hill.  It tells the story of how her neighbor and dog-sitter, Jonathan, befriended a little Adler Flycatcher bird.  Jonathan’s friend sought and received food, shelter and care in her time of need.  But it was Jonathan who received so much more…a sense of love and gratitude and the hope of seeing her again.

Jonathan’s Friend

My what a surprise the little bird did give,

when she landed on my shoulder that day.

Jonathan's friend

How strange it was to see a little creature like her;

so bold, inquisitive and wanting only to stay.

I saw that she was injured and needed my help!

I told her not to fear; that I’d look after her night and day long.

Jonathan's friendSo I fed her, I cared for her and I protected her from harm.

What small things it seems, for in return she sang her sweet song.

The way she gobbled up her berries and flew playfully to and fro.

Her quiet gentleness in simple things surely made me glad.

She brightened my heart and oh how she made me smile…

Her broken wing was healing…that made me both happy and sad.

Jonathan's friendI thought she’d just gone out for her morning frolic in the trees.

But when she did not return, I knew that she’d decided to leave.

Oh my little friend, I will miss caring for you indeed.

Until you return next year, it is to memories of you I will cleave.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

Jonathan's friendPhotographs courtesy of Marilyn Hill

Peace and love,


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Hey Sammy Girl!

hey sammy girl

Meet Sammy, the sleek and beautiful Rottweiler mix who belongs to my dear friend Lew Eliacopoulos of Festibrate.com

Hey Sammy girl!…you’re sweet and gentle-natured, you wouldn’t hurt a flea!

Hey Sammy Girl!

Hey Sammy Girl! Whatcha doin’ today?

Are you taking a nap, or going outside to play?

hey sammy girl

One of Sammy’s favorite pastimes!

You’re such a good girl, keeping  Jackson in line.

No matter what, with you, everything is just fine!

hey Sammy girl

Sammy with her brother Jackson. She always keeps a watchful eye over him!

Hey Sammy girl! Your coat is so dark and sleek…

no doubt you would win in a game of hide and seek!

hey Sammy girl

Hey Sammy…is that you?

You’re fun to snuggle with; surely everyone would agree.

Yes, you’re sweet and gentle-natured, you wouldn’t hurt a flea!

hey Sammy girl

Sammy loves to snuggle with her human brother Jayson!

Hey Sammy girl! You are such a delight…

when you are around, even rainy days are made bright!

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

It was nice to meet you…have a Happy Autumn!

Photographs courtesy of Lew Eliacopoulos, Festibrate.com

Calling all dog lovers!

If you have a four-legged furry friend that you’d like to have featured in a poem on my blog, email your cutest pictures and a short bio to me, Felecia, at frosew04@gmail.com.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Peace and love,

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All That I Need

All that I need

Photograph courtesy of Martin Watson


All that I need is something that I have finally realized that I have had all along.

“I have the greatest of all riches: that of not desiring them.” Eleonora Duse

We all long for something.  Be it a tangible item or something that only the human heart can give…we all long for something.  We won’t rest until we get what we want, even when we can’t quite describe what it is.  Does that make sense?  It does to me. In fact, I have finally realized that what I have been longing for is something that I have had all along…I have all that I need.

All That I Need

It is not what surrounds me on the outside,

those things will come and go.

It is not some whim that suits me,

for they’ll surely vanish quickly I know.

It is not the things that I can buy,

for they get used up in a hurry.

It is not the treasures of this earth,

for they very often cause me to worry.

It is something intangible yet so real,

and it will never fade nor decay.

It is what fills my heart no matter what,

it is what keeps me from going astray.

It is God’s love…that is all I need,

He freely gives it to me at no cost.

It feeds me, it clothes me, it fills me up,

it satisfies me and with it I will never be lost.

With the love He provides, I need not search,

for it is unending and inexhaustible indeed.

No riches on earth can match what His love gives,

Yes, in Him I have all that I need.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”  Psalm 73:26

May the love of God surround you and keep you abundantly full all of your days.

Peace and love,


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Abundance – What’s in a word?


Photograph courtesy of Martin Watson


Abundance – What’s in a word?

Wealth, fullness, having it all,

and never having to worry.

Security, prosperity, luxury,

overflowing, not ever having to hurry.

Might, power, contentment and ease,

never running out, doing what you please.

Abundance is like that and although it is very nice,

it should not be taken lightly, for it comes with a price.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

What’s in this word for you?  If you can tell me, please do!

Having an abundance of anything connotes the good things in life and having plenty of all that we could ever want or need.  Even though having anything in abundance often times requires hard work, commitment and determination, knowing that there are blessings overflowing around the corner makes it all worth it.

May an abundance of goodness shower you day.

Peace and love,


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There’s Something About You

There's Something About You

“Pretty Sky After a Storm,” photograph by Lisa Arduini Richter


There’s something about you…God has a way of turning darkness into light, fear into courage, despair into hope.

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”  Romans 12:12

There’s something About You

(a poem about the hope that only God can give)

There’s something about you,

the way you turn dark into light.

So effortlessly, your presence,

exudes power and might.

When all hope seems to surely have gone away,

nothing is ever truly lost,

for your mercy endures, and fills up each day.

There’s something about you,

when life’s troubles threaten to steal my joy,

I am always strengthened in knowing,

your love for me, no one can destroy.

I believe you and I trust you;

sometimes, that is all I can do.

And, that’s really all I need,

for my hope is solely in you.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

Without hope we cannot survive…it is essential to life.  I thank God for the blessing of hope that fills each of my days.

Peace and love,


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