Tag Archives: mystery

On the Unknown

On the Unknown

unknownA Quote to Carry You

October 5, 2015

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear and the oldest and strongest of fears is the fear of the unknown.”  H .P. Lovecraft

On the unknown – October is a month that brings with it an air of mystery.  Not only does it seem to usher in the sharp contrast of noticeably shorter days and a heavier mask of darkness during the nighttime skies, the undressing of the leaves from the trees all combine to create an eeriness to nature’s canvass.  Lately, I have found myself not wanting to venture outdoors once the sun starts to set, and I’ve turned on more lights indoors than I have during the past months.  I seek out the warming comforts of a hot cup of tea and nestling down under heavy blankets or wrapping myself up in my cozy sweaters, as if to shelter myself from the wiles of the outdoors.  I never know what to expect from one day to the next…the blazing sunshine of an Indian Summer day can fade into a blustery snow squall seemingly overnight.

Fear of the unknown has a similar quality.  When we face new situations or volatile times, we become uneasy and seek out the comfort of familiarity.  The unknown, no matter if it is something as common as the weather or as major as a life altering event, the mystery and uncertainty of not knowing what’s ahead can be frightening.

There is one sure way to face the unknown with confidence and security…his name is Jesus.  When we cast our cares upon him, the unknown becomes known, because he will reveal it to you perfectly in his timing and in his way.  When we yield to his love and care, there is nothing that we will ever face that he hasn’t already equipped us to handle.

“Fear not tomorrow, for God is already there.” Author Unknown

When the mystery and fear of the unknown threaten to creep into your comfort zone, may you always step out in the boldness of knowing that our Lord has already cleared the way…you need only follow him.

Peace and love,


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The Masks

The MasksThe Masks…they do not move, but they seem to speak; the hushed tones of their voices are bizarre.

“There are mystically in our faces certain characters which carry in them the motto of our souls, wherein he that cannot read A, B, C may read our natures.”  Sir Thomas Browne

When I was thinking of what to write about for this week’s theme on “faces,” a dream that I had a couple of years ago, which I refer to as “The Masks,” came to my mind.  To this day the dream puzzles me as it was so full of mystery that I still haven’t quite figured out its meaning.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I do not put a lot of stock in dreams…many of mine are likely conjured up from what I ate on a given evening or how a particular day went.  This particular dream, however, does still haunt my thoughts from time to time, and I wonder what it was trying to tell me…perhaps about myself.

The MasksThe Masks

An eerie feeling overcomes me

as I step inside the room.

The decor is bright and cheery enough,

but I have this dark, foreboding feeling,

and it’s filling my heart with gloom.

Straight ahead I see the bed, the table, the lamp,

the desk, along side the chair,

But then I turn and there they are!

The four harlequin masks gazing at me;

all with a unified stare.

Why are they here?  What do they want?

So theatrical they are.

They do not move, but they seem to speak;

the hushed tones of their voices are bizarre.

I turn away and leave them be.

I want no part of them, I don’t.

When I look back they’ve vanished, gone!

I should forget them…but I know that I won’t.

Although, “The Masks” have not yet revealed

what their true meaning is for me.

I’ve an idea that they each are a part of myself…

and perhaps that is the true mystery.

Poem by Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com; photographs by Stephen C. Weber, Venezia, 2012.

Peace and love,




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