“Roar” Photograph courtesy of Marjorie L. Karimi 2018 (In memory of my late husband STEPHEN CULLEN WEBER, 2/09/1956 – 8/13/2014)
Roar – “What’s in a word?”
Roar…What’s in this word for you? If you can tell me, please do!
Roar – There are many images that come to mind when I think of the word “roar.” In most cases I’ll think of a roaring lion – you know, the one in which the lion has his mouth open wide with his ferocious teeth showing, ready to pounce on his next meal! This time my thoughts depicted a roaring lion as one that is very content, resting and at peace. That’s the kind of roaring lion that I like the most…one who has already conquered, and is now enjoying the bounty of having won the victory!
Roar…with any challenge you set out to conquer,
give it your all, and always do your best;
keep going until you’ve achieved it,
then take time to enjoy; take time to rest.
Peace and love,
I dedicate this post to my late husband, Stephen Cullen Weber. When I think of the type of lion I like best, Steve certainly fulfills that image perfectly. Steve carried a quiet confidence within him that enabled him to accomplish those things that he set out to do. No matter how large the challenges were that he faced, his reliance on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, saw him through every time. Even during his last, most fierce conquest, his battle with cancer, Steve showed a humble grace that brings peace to my heart whenever I think of him. Now, like the lion I mentioned in my description above, Steve, because of our Savior, who conquered death once for all, is enjoying the bounty of the victory that has been won.
I love you forever Steve,
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“Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”