Tag Archives: journey

Roads Yet to Travel


Photograph courtesy of Martin Watson

Roads Yet to Travel – My future awaits me – the pages are being filled day by day…

“I’ve been longing to travel lately; to just get away and experience something new, something I’ve never gotten the chance to do before.  Life is an open book, and there are so many pages in mine that have yet to be written…”  Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

Roads Yet to Travel

I don’t want to go back,

I only want to move forward.

Let the past be the past;

It has already been lived.

My future awaits me,

The pages are being filled day by day.

I have many roads yet to travel,

Some are winding, some are straight.

There have been times when  my steps haven’t led me where I’ve wanted to go.

But I press on, for I am determined to reach my destination.

Each turn, each path that beckons me, I’ll test to prove whether it be true.

Know this, whatever happens between now an the end of my journey…

Will be the best it’s ever been.

Felecia R. Weber 2016, OntheWingofaDove.com

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will direct your paths.”  Proverbs 3:5-6

May the roads that you have yet to travel lead you to the fullness of life that you seek…and as you seek it, may you discover that your fullness comes from the Lord.

Peace and love,



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On Wholeness

On Wholeness

wholenessA Quote to Carry You

February 22, 2016

“…Once a heart is shattered, it can never be the same.  One thing though, it can become better than it was before – it can become whole.”  Felecia R. Weber

On wholeness – The feeling of completion, to have accomplished whatever it is you’ve set out to do can be a most elating feeling.  What’s more is when you focus more on embarking on the journey rather than reaching your destination, what a marvelous adventure you have to enjoy.  Indeed, I believe wholeness, being full, lacking nothing, having all the parts…is a sort of a passage, a path which draws us from our emptiness to becoming complete.

I remember a few years ago, planning my twenty-fifth wedding anniversary trip to Italy for my late husband and me.  I’d never booked my own airline tickets prior to that, let alone plan an entire trip abroad.  Although the planning was painstaking at times, for I didn’t want any detail to be overlooked, our time away was flawlessly exquisite…we could not have asked for anything better, and we’d not want anything to have been different.  Now, my memories of our final trip together are more precious to me as the time between then and now grows.  They somehow become real when I need them to be…and I experience a sense of the wholeness we shared instead of the hollowness that I was left with when he passed.

That example only touches the surface of what wholeness truly is…but for me, it describes the principle of how one can travel from emptiness to wholeness…and how we go through that process determines the degree of completeness we attain.  For, once a heart is shattered, it can never be the same.  One thing though, it can become better than it was before – it can become whole.

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”  Psalm 37:4

Peace and love,


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Getting Away

getting away

Photograph courtesy of David Brown

Getting away is something that we all need to do from time to time…

“I suppose that, if you should go to the end of the world, you would find somebody there going farther…”  Henry David Thoreau

Getting Away

Getting away can be one of the most enjoyable things.

It’s amazing the excitement that just the thought of it brings.

No matter where it is, a far off excursion, or lazing on the beach;

There’s just something about getting away and out of reach.

It can restore your well being, it can recharge your mind.

And like taking a journey, you never know what you may find.

Getting away can enhance your thinking, it can brighten your mood.

It has a way of satisfying a hunger, that hasn’t to do with food.

It is something that we all need, so my wish is for you,

That in getting away, you’ll get to rest, refresh and renew.

Felecia R. Weber 2015, OntheWingofaDove.com

Bon voyage!

Peace and love,


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On Adventure

On Adventure

on adventureA Quote to Carry You

April 20, 2015

“Adventure is worthwhile in itself.”  Amelia Earhart

On adventure.  What is the difference between a journey and an adventure?  Which one sounds more exciting?  Which one sounds the most appealing and fulfilling?  To take a journey is to travel from one place to another.  An adventure will get you from one place to another…but the route may not be at all what you expect.  The hills may turn into mountains, or what at first appears to be a crevice, may actually turn out to be an incredibly long and burdensome valley.  Smooth highways may lead to rocky roads that are difficult to navigate.  Now, here is another question…in the end, which one sounds more worth embarking on?

Happy travels…




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On Emotions

On Emotions

on emotionsA Quote to Carry You

April 6, 2015

“When it comes to emotions…you can either take them or they will take you…it all depends on who’s in the driver’s seat.”  Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

On emotions…Emotions are powerful; they have the capability to lift us up and to bring us down.  They can be so intense that they can cause us to believe strongly in something whether it be true or not. Emotions can coax out the best in us and the worst in us. At times it may feel as though we have no control over them, but rest assured, we do.  As quickly as an emotion can come on, it can just as easily be turned off…it takes effort, but it can be done.  Whichever direction your emotions are driving you today, remember that ultimately, you have control over the steering wheel…may you enjoy your journey.



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Stepping Into the New Year

into the new year

“Evening Boot,” 1957, Roger Vivier (designer); House of Dior (design house). Image from a page of the 2014 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

Stepping Into the New Year.  One step leads to another, and soon enough we’re walking…before we know it, we’re right where we’d hoped to be.

For me, life is like a series of steps, and stepping into the New Year is not any different.  Surely it can be confusing not knowing what obstacles we’ll need to traverse and how to prepare for dealing with them.  Do we need to don our show boots, or will a pair of street shoes be just fine? No matter what the footwear, we still must travel through each day.  I believe that how we choose to take each step will determine how pleasant our journey through the year will be.

We’ve all experienced mornings when we have to drag ourselves out of bed and it seems like all we’ll be able to manage is a slow crawl throughout the day.  Other times we bounce up and hit the floor running, long before the alarm clock goes off.  I don’t envision stepping into the New Year in any of these ways.  Wouldn’t it be nice to enter into it at just the right pace?  One step leads to another, and soon enough we’re walking…before we know it, we’re right where we’d hoped to be.

How we go about stepping into the New Year is an individual adventure.  There are some who are used to treading the same route at the same old pace.  Why not try trotting along fresh new paths that will inspire personal growth and set new goals for yourself.  Others have been pacing along trying to take in all that life has opened up for them.  Why not concentrate on just one or two of those opportunities and be the best at them that you can?  Still others have been sprinting the distance, and are in desperate need of a break.  Why not stop, rest for awhile…then come back renewed and stronger than ever before?

What about you?  In what way will you begin stepping into the New Year?  Whichever way you choose, may it lead you to a most satisfying and beautiful journey.

Wishing you God’s peace and fulfillment in the coming year,


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Lead Me and I Will Follow

Lead me and I will follow

Photograph courtesy of David Brown

Lead me and I will follow…on this journey I walk not alone; for you Lord all my needs will fulfill.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not upon your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your path.”  Proverbs 3:5-6

Lead Me and I Will Follow

Lead me and I will follow.

I know not the places we’ll go.

Take my hand, guide my steps;

oh , what wonder to me you will show.

Lead me and I will follow.

I long to know of your will.

On this journey I walk not alone;

for you Lord all my needs will fulfill.

Lead me and I will follow.

Some days the horizon seems so clear.

Other times the road seems never to end;

but during those times you always remain near.

Lead me and I will follow.

Keep me close; from me never depart.

God you hold my future in your hands,

and that promise of hope fills my heart.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

Wherever God leads will always be pleasing and good.  May you follow Him and find that out for yourself.

Peace and love,



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Let the Day Unfold

let the day unfold

“Today,” photograph by Marilyn Hill


Let the day unfold – each new day is full of wonder.

Each new day is full of wonder; no two are exactly alike.  A while back when I had the rare opportunity to sit down and reflect on things, I thought about how precious each day is.  We cannot know what is inside each one until we let the day unfold and live it.

Following are some thoughts on just that.  Come along with me and let the day unfold…

Imagine…a new day has just rolled over the horizon.  The sun tickles your eyelids until they give in and open wide.  Suddenly streams of yellow rays spill over the soft blue sky; a celebration!  Night has given way to the brilliance of the morning!

All of nature starts to come alive after a night’s slumber.  The fluttering chirps of the early birds fill the air; a sound that is so much nicer to wake up to than the alarm clock.  Soon it becomes a melody sung by a full chorus in flight and it beckons you to peer out of the open window to find out what they are singing about.

Breathing deeply, you take in the freshness of the morning deep into your lungs. Now your whole body is ready to face whatever it is the day has in store for you.  Your senses tingle at the excitement of what lies ahead.  Certainly there are the normal tasks that you expect to fulfill, but what about the treasures that are tucked away just waiting for you to discover them?  As each hour offers its precious gift of seconds and minutes to you…don’t let them tick by without making the best of each one!

When you’ve come to the end of the day’s journey, what will you do with the remnants of your adventure?  Share them with your family over dinner; write them down and savor the details of your favorite parts?  Whichever way you chose to end today, just remember another day is right around the corner…like a beautiful carpet wound up at the top of the stairs…ready to unroll and color each step of tomorrow.

A happy day to you!


Let the day unfold

“Marilyn & Me” (at my birthday dinner). I dedicate this post to my dearest friend and Godmother, Marilyn Hill. Her love and encouragement, her constant thoughtfulness and caring for me was the inspiration for this post.


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