This photograph captures what I tried to express in my poem below, “There’s Something About Being a Mother.” Pictured here is first-time mom Jennifer Spangler and her adorable baby girl, Lilli.
There is something about being a mother, that inseparable bond…between mother and child.
“Mother, the ribbons of your love are woven around my heart.” Author Unknown
Something About Being a Mother
There is something about being a mother,
her love for her child creates an inseparable bond.
She sees every action, hears every word, she senses every thought.
Her love has no boundaries that her child can go beyond.
There is something about being a mother,
you have to experience being one to know…
how difficult, how wonderful, how caring for the needs of another,
can give you the strength to go to depths you otherwise would not go.
There is something about being a mother,
she gives all that she can for her precious child.
She teaches, she admonishes, she points to the best way to go.
No matter if she’s disappointed; her love is still tender and mild.
There is something about being a mother,
it is a privilege not every woman has known.
The awesome responsibility, the heartache, the joy.
She is like a beautiful blossom, that grows from a seed deeply sown.
Poem by Felecia R. Weber 2015, Onthewingofadove.com; photograph courtesy of Ian Spangler (Lilli’s proud daddy!)
My best wishes to all mothers, for a very Happy Mother’s Day!
Peace and love,