Photograph of my great-nephew Easton, (a.k.a. “Mr. Cutie Pie”), and friend, courtesy of my sister-in-law, Jennifer Hall
You and me, we will always be…even those times when we’re apart…because we’re connected heart to heart.
“The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for man to be alone…'” Genesis 2:18
This Bible verse solidifies exactly how I feel about sharing my life with others…and that is good! When I spend time with someone I love and care about, it is as if that period of time transcends everything else in the world. Being in a close relationship, be it platonic or romantic, has a way of connecting one person to another. Whether they are physically together or apart; it is a bond that is inseparable no matter what.
You and Me, We Will Always Be
You and me, we will always be,
even those times when we’re apart.
The miles between us do not matter at all,
because we’re connected heart to heart.
You and me, we will always be,
you are my buddy, my pal, my friend.
I am here when you need me, and when you don’t;
I’ll be with you from the beginning to the end.
You and me, we will always be,
I can’t imagine ever being without you.
We’ve seen each other through thick and thin;
indeed, I am your comrade through and through.
Felecia R. Weber 2015, OntheWingofaDove.com
Peace and love,