Tag Archives: God

Power in Weakness

power in weakness

“Study Head of a Woman,” 1745, Jean Baptiste Greuze. Image from a page of the 2014 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

Power in weakness is not as strange as it may seem, for sometimes we are our most powerful when we are weak…

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”  2 Corinthians 12:9

I am sure you’ll agree that power comes in many forms, both physically and mentally.  It can be manifested in both positive and negative ways.  The same can be said about weakness.  As our bodies become tired and frail, or when we feel vulnerable and uncertain about a situation, we do not always make the wisest choices and fail to accomplish our goals.  With power and weakness being such opposites, how can we possibly gain one from the other?

The answer to achieving power in weakness has less to do with what we receive, but rather what we give away.  When I feel in control and on top of things, I seem to get into a groove and everything runs relatively smoothly.  The more I continue on in my own strength, the more self-reliant I become and that is fine, to a point.  All  of a sudden, and it inevitably happens, I am faced with some challenge that knocks me right to my knees.  At that point, I am literally in the perfect position to make a choice.  I can wallow in my weakness and receive more grief from whatever it is I am holding on to, trying to fix it myself.  Or I can give the problem over to God in prayer and receive His strength and power to go on.  Power in weakness?

Indeed, power in weakness is not as strange as it sounds, for sometimes we are our most powerful when we are weak.  In our weakness we can do nothing…but when it leads us to God, He has the power to do all things.

May your weakness lead you to seek the power that only God can give.

Peace and love,


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Flourishing Through Our Fears

flourishing through our fears

“No Fear In Me,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber 2013, OntheWingofaDove.com

Flourishing through our fears is not impossible; in fact, it is often times the best way to overcome them.

Fear is an emotion that we’ve all encountered in life.  Whether it be an uneasiness about what is awaiting us around the next corner, or some phobia that can be debilitating enough to interfere with our daily lives, fear is real and it affects all of us.  Of course, a healthy fear of something that will do us harm is a good thing, but what about those things that won’t harm us if we stand up and face them?  Can we flourish through our fears?

Flourishing Through Our Fears

Fear is dreadful when it takes hold of us,

causing us to tremble and scream.

The things we fear rob the peace from our days,

and invade our sleep when we dream.

Fear, you may ask, where does it come from;

the emotion full of darkness and dread?

Some say it is nothing, nothing at all.

For others it is all consuming instead.

Facing our fears, and not letting them grow,

in that way they can’t hurt us at all.

Turn them over to God, He will conquer your foe…

and He will help you never, ever to fall.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  Isaiah 41:10

Flourishing through our fears is possible indeed…especially when we remember that we never have to face them alone.

Peace and love,



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Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek

“Abigail,” graphite pencil drawing by Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

Hide and Seek…it isn’t just a child’s game; many of us play it still.  But challenges will seek us out and find us, no matter how hard we try to hide from them.

“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.”  Psalm 32:7

This month is full of scary tales, lots of mischief and long shadows that loom their dark shapes along our paths.  It’s easy to hide away and avoid being seen, but it’s interesting to see what we find when we step out from our hiding places. Is that what we are trying to shelter ourselves from really all that bad?  Wouldn’t it be liberating not to be so concerned about those things that cause us to fret?

Hide and seek is a game I play to this day…although I do not like to admit it.  I hardly recognize it because it takes on many forms, including procrastination.  I bury myself under all sorts of tasks only to find that I’ve still got to face that big challenge or obstacle that is awaiting me in the end.  Hiding is the easy part…seeking is too…finding my way and deciding what to do with what I’ve found; now that’s the hard part!

Challenges are part of life.  They will seek out and find us no matter how hard we try to hide from them.  The important thing is that we need to be brave enough to step out and face them. When we do, they are not always as bad as they seem…especially when we refuse to face them alone.  God is always available and ready to help us to not only face, but also to accept and conquer anything that causes to hide…if we seek Him first.

When you find yourself beginning another round of hide and seek…why not let God be your hiding place.  You’ll be pleasantly surprised what you find when you seek Him.

Peace and love,


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Jack Sparrow

Jack SparrowJack Sparrow…Your trust was so evident; I could see it in your bright eyes.  I knew that all you needed was shelter and gentle care…

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?  Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.”  Matthew 10:29

Jack Sparrow

So tired and helpless was how you came to me,

I didn’t know why at first, for your wound I didn’t see.

You responded with gratefulness much to my surprise.

Your trust was so evident; I could side it in your bright eyes.

I knew that all you needed was shelter and gentle care…

someday soon I had hoped you’d be back flying high up in the air.

But no, God had a different plan for you, my dear little friend.

Now you are soaring high in heaven, forever free, without end.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

Jack SparrowPhotographs of “Jack Sparrow,” courtesy of Marilyn Hill.  (Marilyn found this wounded little sparrow in her yard one morning and she took him in under the shelter of her love and care.  He gave her as much joy as the help she gave to him during his brief stay with her.)

I dedicate this poem to all of those who have touched my heart deeply; no matter how briefly.

Peace and love,



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On Shelter

On Shelter

on shelterA Quote to Carry You

September 29, 2014

“I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.”  Psalm 61:4

When I think of shelter, I think of safety.  Whether it is being in the safe haven of my home, or enveloped inside of a heartwarming embrace, shelter provides safety and security.  We all have times when we are vulnerable and need a place where we can feel sheltered from the elements, safe from harm, secure in knowing that we cannot be touched or reached for a time.

When you experience such times, may you find refuge in the shelter of God’s arms…He promises to provide all that you need…and He does.

Peace and love,


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All That I Need

All that I need

Photograph courtesy of Martin Watson


All that I need is something that I have finally realized that I have had all along.

“I have the greatest of all riches: that of not desiring them.” Eleonora Duse

We all long for something.  Be it a tangible item or something that only the human heart can give…we all long for something.  We won’t rest until we get what we want, even when we can’t quite describe what it is.  Does that make sense?  It does to me. In fact, I have finally realized that what I have been longing for is something that I have had all along…I have all that I need.

All That I Need

It is not what surrounds me on the outside,

those things will come and go.

It is not some whim that suits me,

for they’ll surely vanish quickly I know.

It is not the things that I can buy,

for they get used up in a hurry.

It is not the treasures of this earth,

for they very often cause me to worry.

It is something intangible yet so real,

and it will never fade nor decay.

It is what fills my heart no matter what,

it is what keeps me from going astray.

It is God’s love…that is all I need,

He freely gives it to me at no cost.

It feeds me, it clothes me, it fills me up,

it satisfies me and with it I will never be lost.

With the love He provides, I need not search,

for it is unending and inexhaustible indeed.

No riches on earth can match what His love gives,

Yes, in Him I have all that I need.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”  Psalm 73:26

May the love of God surround you and keep you abundantly full all of your days.

Peace and love,


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There’s Something About You

There's Something About You

“Pretty Sky After a Storm,” photograph by Lisa Arduini Richter


There’s something about you…God has a way of turning darkness into light, fear into courage, despair into hope.

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”  Romans 12:12

There’s something About You

(a poem about the hope that only God can give)

There’s something about you,

the way you turn dark into light.

So effortlessly, your presence,

exudes power and might.

When all hope seems to surely have gone away,

nothing is ever truly lost,

for your mercy endures, and fills up each day.

There’s something about you,

when life’s troubles threaten to steal my joy,

I am always strengthened in knowing,

your love for me, no one can destroy.

I believe you and I trust you;

sometimes, that is all I can do.

And, that’s really all I need,

for my hope is solely in you.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

Without hope we cannot survive…it is essential to life.  I thank God for the blessing of hope that fills each of my days.

Peace and love,


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On the Greatness of God

On the Greatness of God

on the greatness of GodA Quote to Carry You

June 16, 2013

“It is God who made the earth by his power, who established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens.” Jeremiah 10:12

Whether you believe that God exists or not, it is doubtful that anyone can have lived any length of time on this earth and not wondered how we came to be.  To me, that God made the earth and all of creation is fundamental to answering that question.  The world we live in although it may seem chaotic in many respects, is so intricately designed and ordered, and so much of it is beyond human comprehension…who but God could have brought it all into existence?  Nothing comes from nothingness…but from and through God, all things are possible.


Peace to you,


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