Tag Archives: God

Nothing Will Be Impossible For You

Nothing will be impossible for you

“Fill Me,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber 2015, OntheWingofaDove.com

“Nothing will be impossible for you.”  There is hardly a truer statement, for when we put our faith in God, nothing is impossible.

“They can conquer who believe they can.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Nothing will be impossible for you” was a theme that lingered in my mind while I visited with my parents during these past holidays.  As always for me, being at my childhood home made me feel comforted and secure; as if nothing in the world could harm me.  Both of my parents have always gently encouraged me to seek, explore and to develop into the person God made me to be.  My recent visit with them was no different.  Their soothing  words affirming that I have much to give and that God has a unique purpose for my life filled me with a renewed confidence in my abilities.  By the time I’d loaded my little dog and our belongings into the car to return to New York, I felt ready to conquer this new chapter in my life.

“If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.  Nothing will be impossible for you.”  Matthew 17:20-21

“Nothing will be impossible for you;” do you believe that?  How is it that we can find confidence in such a statement?  The answer is not a difficult one, but it does require something of us.  When we strive to achieve something important in our lives, getting from point A to point B can seem like a foreboding mountain full of nothing but difficulties and disappointments.  It seems like no matter how many or how few resources we have, there is just no easy way to plow through that mountain of misery…it just seems impossible!  But wait!  There is more to it than that.

“Nothing will be impossible for you.”  There is hardly a truer statement, for when we put our faith in God, nothing is impossible.  God promises to supply all of our needs, and to see us safely through any situation…even moving mountains.  All we need to do is turn it over to Him and trust Him to do so…do you?

Peace and love,


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On Finishing What We’ve Started

On Finishing What We’ve Started

finishing what we've startedA Quote to Carry You

December 29, 2014

“Being confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 1:6

Here we are at the end of another year.  A time for finishing what we’ve started.  The excitement and magic of Christmas still lingers in the air, yet there is a feeling of uncertainty of what is awaiting us when we step into the New Year.  It is both a thrilling and uneasy sensation all wrapped up into one!  One thing is for sure, God leaves nothing to chance…what He has started, He will finish.  Exciting, challenging, despairing or full of hope.  Whatever the New Year has in store for you, may God see you through to complete what He has started in you…in a most glorious way.

Peace and love,


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Lead Me and I Will Follow

Lead me and I will follow

Photograph courtesy of David Brown

Lead me and I will follow…on this journey I walk not alone; for you Lord all my needs will fulfill.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not upon your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your path.”  Proverbs 3:5-6

Lead Me and I Will Follow

Lead me and I will follow.

I know not the places we’ll go.

Take my hand, guide my steps;

oh , what wonder to me you will show.

Lead me and I will follow.

I long to know of your will.

On this journey I walk not alone;

for you Lord all my needs will fulfill.

Lead me and I will follow.

Some days the horizon seems so clear.

Other times the road seems never to end;

but during those times you always remain near.

Lead me and I will follow.

Keep me close; from me never depart.

God you hold my future in your hands,

and that promise of hope fills my heart.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

Wherever God leads will always be pleasing and good.  May you follow Him and find that out for yourself.

Peace and love,



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What I Believe

What I Believe

“Feeling Blessed,” photograph courtesy of my sister, Marjorie Karimi

What I believe is full of hope; it is very real and oh so very true…

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  John 3:16

What I Believe

What I believe is not just a story,

of days gone by long ago.

No, it is more than I could ever imagine;

a gift that only God could bestow.

What I believe is rich, and abundant;

it makes my heart overflow with joy.

It shelters and protects me when I am afraid.

Indeed it’s like a fortress that no enemy can destroy.

What I believe is not dead, but bursting with life,

that which fills the heavens and earth.

How awesome, how wonderful, how magnificent it is;

and it all began for us on that glorious night of His birth.

What I believe is full of hope;

it is very real and oh so very true.

It is founded on God’s unending love,

and He freely gives it to me and to you.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

May your heart be filled to overflowing with the love that God has for you…and may you always believe in Him and what He gave to us on that first Christmas night.

Peace and love,


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On Believing

On Believing

on believingA Quote to Carry You

December 1, 2014

“It’s not just that we believe; it is what we believe in that determines whether or not it is worth believing.”  Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

We’ve all hear the phrase “seeing is believing” before…but is it?  In matters of faith, believing in those things that we cannot see can be much more real than what we see with our eyes.  I can tell you from my experiences that living by faith in God is real, and His promises are true and sure.  I cannot see Him with my eyes, but the things God reveals to me within my heart are so much more vivid and alive, and they spill over into my life day after day.  Indeed, when we place our faith in God and all that He promises, seeing truly is believing and worth every bit of it.

This season in which we celebrate the birth of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, is the perfect time to start…won’t you consider believing in Him?

Peace and love,


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Making Your House Your Home

Making your house your home

“Spring Morning (Detail), 1875, James-Jacques-Joseph Tissot. Image from a page of the 2014 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

Making your house your home. Home is where my heart is content…

“The Crown of the house is Godliness.  The Beauty of the house is Order.  The Glory of the house is Hospitality.  The Blessing of the house is Contentment.” (Old Inscription)


Home is where I lay my hat,

I let my hair down and I rest.

In no other place will I find,

so much of what in my life is the best.

Home is where I feel secure,

where I laugh and cry aloud.

I can dance and sing and shout for joy,

for there I am hidden as under a cloud.

Home is where my heart is content,

and forever there God promises t o reside.

For it is He who fills each room with the love,

peace and joy, that my heart happily holds inside.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

Making your house your home is not as easy as it sounds.   In the fast pace of living that we all experience to some degree or another, “home” sounds like something far off in the distance.  Is making your house your home, one filled with the appealing attributes described above really attainable these days?  Is it really even desirable?

I think for all of us, the answer is YES!  As humans we have basic needs:  comfort, security, love, and a sense of purpose and belonging.  Those needs must be fulfilled in some way in order to make us whole.  Making your house your home, is certainly a good place to start.  This holiday weekend many of us will be out and about traveling to visit loved ones, shopping for that perfect Christmas gift, and enjoying the excitement that’s in the air.  But isn’t it a good feeling to know that at the end of the day, you’ll get to return to that warm and cozy, welcoming place that you call home?

making your house your home

“The Red Vine, Matinicus Island, Maine,” 1916, George Bellows. Image from a page of the 2014 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

I encourage you to fill your house with beautiful things, so that your eyes are filled with delight and pleasure there.  Welcome others into your house for a time of sharing the good things that you have to offer them.   Take care of your house, keep it clean and in good order so that you can relax and rest peacefully there.  And in all these things, be contented to spend quality time there no matter what.

Lastly, and what I believe is the true key to making your house your home…invite God into your home and into your heart.  For when He is there, filling every room with the love that only He can give, your home will not only be your house, it will be in your heart.  And God will reside with you there for all eternity.

“The house of the righteous stands firm.”  Proverbs 12:7

Peace and love,



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Old Things Become New

old things become new

Photograph courtesy of Martin Watson

Old things become new when we allow them to grow.  If we keep them in the past, what they can become, we’ll never know.

“No one sews a patch of un-shrunk cloth on an old garment. If they do, the new piece will pull away from the old, making the tear worse.  And people do not pour new wine into old wineskins.   If they do, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined.  No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.”  Mark 21:22

Old Things Become New

Old things become new

when we allow them to grow.

If we keep them in the past,

what they can become, we’ll never know.

Old things become new

not always by what we do.

When you yield your life to God,

it’s amazing how He’ll transform you.

Let not your fear, nor your pride,

nor old ways of living hold you back.

For God is good and His love is sure,

trusting in Him, nothing at all will you lack.

Old things become new,

I challenge you to let go.

For your heart needs to be emptied,

so in it His treasures can truly overflow.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

We place an immeasurable value on the things that fill our lives.  However, they don’t always prove their worth.  I wonder what would happen if we really did let go of those things…and prepare for what could become new.

Peace and love,



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A Still Small Voice

still small voice

Photograph courtesy of Ray Flanagan Photography

A still small voice…it seems the times that God speaks to me the loudest is when His voice is the smallest.

“And he said, ‘Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord.’ And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and break in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake.  And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.” 1 Kings 19:11-12

Tumultuous times can leave us feeling like we are in the center of a fierce storm. The roaring of waves and the clatter of thunder and lightening can be deadening.  Our emotions are tossed to and fro and seemingly the entire cloud-strewn sky comes crashing down on us before we ever reach the shore.  A still small voice…really?

Yes…it seems the times that God speaks to me the loudest is when His voice is the smallest.  What happens after we are shipwrecked?  When all is quiet and we awaken from the daze.  At that point we are broken, and in desperate need of mending.  Those are the times when that still small voice can truly resonate within us.  Although the fragments of our situation are scattered around us, we are poised to receive what God has to say; and His wisdom abounds. 

As the creator of the universe, God can calm any storm that threatens to turn your world upside down.  All nature and mankind are ultimately under His command.  He needn’t shout; He needn’t make a ruckus…His still small  voice is all that is needed.  It is up to us to listen to Him.

“Can you hear His still small voice?  Do you seek it during the storm?  When all else fails, and the pieces fall, listen for Him; He will instruct and inform.”  Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

May you always listen for God’s still small voice…and may His truth speak volumes to your heart.


Peace and love,


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