Tag Archives: God

Safe and Secure

safe and secure

“Beagle Puppy,” graphite pencil drawing by Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com


Being safe and secure…two things we never need to worry about when we put our trust in God; for his provision is sure.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing…I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”  Psalm 23:1,4

Safe and Secure

Safe and secure,

What it means to me;

not being afraid, of what the future holds for me.

To know that I truly belong;

when I am accepted, even when I may be wrong.

Safe and secure,

Having love shown to me;

being valued and wanted in ways I can see.

Having all that I need;

to live, to be fruitful, to learn and to take heed.

Safe and secure,

Indeed, I’ll always be;

I can be nothing less, because God is here with me.

Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

Peace to you,



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Be Careful What You Ask For

be careful what you ask for

“An Open Door,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com


Be careful what you ask for…the power of prayer is real…when you ask, be prepared to receive!

“Be careful what you ask for.”  I’ve heard that phrase many times before and disregarded it as just another cliche.  Lately, however, I have a much different attitude towards it…now, I surely believe it to be true!  When we ask for something fervently, diligently seeking the Lord’s will in what we are asking for, the answer he gives may not always be what we’ve expected.  In fact, the answer can sometimes seem like the opposite of what we’ve asked for.  Well, I am here to tell you that the answer is always the best one when it is God who does the answering.

I have never known this truth in a more real sense until recently, when my dear husband was diagnosed with tonsilar cancer several months ago.  Of course, my prayer all along has been that God would heal my husband of this awful disease and restore him to complete health.  At the same time, and only by God’s grace and strength, I have also asked that his will be done; for I know that in all circumstances “…God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28.

We can never know what we will face in life; as we live each day the troubles and blessings unfold to shape our own story.  Our wants and needs all change to some degree, but we have expectations that they will be fulfilled, preferably in the way that we plan for them to.  That is the crux of what I want to convey here…when we ask God to fulfill our needs, we know in faith that he will answer us.  It is not so much that one needs to “be careful what you ask for,” but rather, “be careful how you accept what you’ve been given.”

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”  Matthew 7:7

For me, asking for my husband’s healing has opened up a multitude of answers from God that are not exactly what I’ve asked for, he has not been healed, but the answers are blessings nonetheless.  In fact, I can honestly say that I feel privileged to have had to face and experience this trial.  You see, when I am going through dark times such as this, that is when my focus is on God, and it is then that I can fully understand and accept with open arms all of the good that he is doing in my life.

Be careful what you ask for?  No need, because when God does the answering it’s all good!

Peace to you,



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What's in a Word - Green

“Green Hydrangea Buds,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

Green…What’s in a word?

Grass, lettuce, warmth, love,

happy, springtime,

streaming shades of green from above.

Shamrock, mint, nature, moss

there are so many word to describe this color,

I am not at a loss!

The love of God, the earth below,

pea soup, a golf course,

blades of grass peeking through the snow!

Now it is your turn,

what else have you heard?

Go on, the color green,

can you think of a word?

What’s in this word for you? Do tell me, please.

Given the soon coming of spring and St. Patrick’s Day right around the corner, the color green was a natural pick for this month. There is a freshness about that lovely hue, there are so many shades of it; some more yellow others more blue.  Oh my, I can’t seem to stop rhyming .  What’s happening to me?  Perhaps there is magic in this color…try it for yourself and see!

Happy day!




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It’s All Right

It's All Right

“After the Ball,” (Detail), 1874, Alfred Stevens. Image from a page of the 2014 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

It’s all right…when we feel vulnerable, when we are afraid or just unsure; that is when we can become the most secure.

A  mental image came to mind when I was singing praises during our worship time at a recent church service.  I can’t quite remember now what it was in the songs that made me think of it; perhaps I was just feeling a little misunderstood and insecure that morning.  We all have days and periods in our lives when we are just not at our best.  When those times come, I feel anything but “all right.”

My faith in God and my eternal salvation are the most important things in the world to me..for without that hope, that truth, I am nothing.  At the same time, I am in this world and I live my life uniquely.  I interpret the world through my own vision, and what I see is filtered through the eyes of the abiding love that God showers upon me.  Still, I don’t always make the right choices. I make mistakes everyday.  Sometimes I feel so lost and so not knowing what to do…so not “all right.”

Whenever I feel vulnerable and insecure, the same mental image plays over in my mind; as if I am watching a movie.  I am on a stage, like an actress playing the part of that moment in my life.  I tremble as I peer out into the audience, until my eyes search out the familiar faces of my family and friends clapping, cheering me on and mouthing the words,”You’re doing fine!” and “We love you!”  That same image played out in my mind on that Sunday morning, but the face that I saw in the audience was that of Jesus…and he said, “I love you no matter what.  I will never leave you, nor forsake you.  Abide in me and I will abide in you.  For I have already paid the price. Indeed, when I focus on these promises, it is then that I know, it’s all right.

“Here is what I am commanding you to do.  Be strong and brave.  Do not be terrified.  Do not lose hope.  I am the Lord your God.  I will be with you everywhere you go.” Joshua 1:9




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Never Alone

Never Alone

“First Steps,” graphite pencil drawing by Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

Never Alone

There may be times when I am so afraid;

when I’ve become paralyzed with fear…

But, I am never alone.

There may be  times when I have blown it;

when I’ve truly let myself down…

But, I am never alone.

There may be times when I feel lost;

when I cannot seem to find my way…

But I am never alone.

There may be times when it seems to me,

that God is no longer there,

But, this I know for certain…

it is during all of those times He is right by my side.

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you.  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

Life can present so many challenges that frighten us.  Fear of the unknown, can cause so much anxiety that it can threaten to invade our very core.  We need only to take a moment to look around us and realize that we never need to despair.  God is greater than any obstacle that can force its way into our path, and He promises to be with us every step of our life’s journey.  It’s up to us whether or not we choose to step out on our own, or invite Him to travel with us.

Peace and love,



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And Christ, The Lord is born!

And Christ, The Lord is born!

“Flight Into Egypt,” (Detail), 1923, Henry Ossawa Tanner. Image from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

And Christ, The Lord is born!

“And there were in the same country shepherds watching, and keeping in the night watches over their flock.  And, behold an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the brightness of God shone round about them; and they feared with a great fear.  And the angel said to them; Fear not; for behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, that shall be to all the people: For there is born to you this day in the City of David a Savior, who is Christ The Lord.” (Luke 2:8-11)

I am listening to the grandeur and beauty of the music and lyrics of Handel’s Messiah this very moment as I write these words.  Oh how it makes my heart swell with gratitude and thanksgiving for God’s greatest gift, which He bestowed upon all of mankind! Continue reading

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What Child Is This?

What Child is This?

“Two Angels” (One of two fragments), 1300-1324, Northern Italian Painter, First Quarter 14th Century. Image taken from a page of the 2013 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

What Child Is This?

What child is this?

They spoke of him long ago,

his life, his purpose, his death all foretold.

The wise men journeyed to worship him,

even still, to this day, he cannot be ignored.

What child is this?

A babe lying in a manger, Continue reading

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A Quote to Carry You – December 16, 2013

A quote to carry youA Quote to Carry You 

December 16, 2013

“Come they told me…A new born King to see…I have no gift to bring…That’s fit to give the King…” (excerpt taken from the lyrics of “Little Drummer Boy,” by Katherine K.  Davis)

The story of “The Little Drummer Boy” has always been so meaningful to me.  Hearing the words to the song always humbles me.  It reminds me that no gift that I can ever give can match the gift that God gave to mankind when He gave to us His only begotten Son.

Through all of the business of the wonderful season, it is my wish to you that you will never lose sight of the magnitude of that gift…and realize that it is for you, you need only to receive it.

Peace and love,


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