Tag Archives: challenge

I Just Want to Thank You Lord

I Just Want to Thank You Lord

I Just Want to Thank You Lord – Photograph property of www.onthewingofadove.com

I just want to thank you Lord – you never really know what it means to trust in and follow the Lord until he gives you something to trust him in and follow him through…

”No matter what our circumstances, we can find a reason to be thankful.”  —Dr. David Jeremiah

I Just Want to Thank You Lord

We never know  where life will lead us,

Looking back over recent years…

I just want to thank you Lord,

For keeping me close to you, despite all of my fears.

It’s funny how we search for answers,

Even when the questions have not been spoken…

I just want to thank you Lord,

For making me whole, even after all of my pieces were broken.

Not a day goes by that I cannot say…

”It’s amazing how everything falls into place!”

I just want to thank you Lord,

For putting into motion all that I’ve had to face.

There is nothing that happens by chance…

No happiness, no trial, no sorrow,

I just want to thank you Lord,

For you are with me yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Felecia R. Weber 2018, www.OntheWingofaDove.com

I just want to thank you Lord  – I find myself saying that a lot lately.  I know, this is the season where we reflect upon all of the good things that have happened to us over the past year.  I must say though, my gratitude for what God has done in my life has become a daily posture.

“From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”  —Luke 12:48

It was in my “attitude of gratitude” that I finally understood the meaning of the above scripture, when I read it during my devotions  a few days ago.  I’ve faced quite a few difficult circumstances and challenges over the past four years; beginning with the loss of my husband to cancer, to a family crisis that has led me back to the place where my life began.  Through it all I’ve learned a big lesson…

You never really know what it means to trust in and follow the Lord until he gives you something to trust him in and follow him through.

It wasn’t until I actually had to face and go through those very trying experiences, that I knew personally what it means to be so grateful for the Lord’s working in my life that I actually thank him for ALL things, both the bad and the good.  I’ve learned that, many times, we must go through the bad times in order to get to the good times…and when you think about it, that’s part of what makes the good times so good!

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you too, for taking the time to visit www.onthewingofadove.com.  It is because of you that helps make living life so beautiful!

Peace and love,

Thanks for visiting…please help inspire others by sharing this post!

”Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”


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On Passion

On Passion

on passionA Quote to Carry You

March 23, 2015

“Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.”  Emily Dickinson

On passion…What is it that drives you, that motivates you, that propels you forward?  What evokes your most powerful emotions and musters up for you an insatiable appetite?  Whatever your passion is, there is no substitute for it.  In fact, I believe that one cannot truly live without it.  I challenge you to seek out and feed that thing that is uniquely yours.  Passion, experience it, live it, share it and inspire those around you.


Peace and love,


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On Dignity

On Dignity

on dignityA Quote to Carry You

September 15, 2014

“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.”  Proverbs 31:25

When I think of dignity, I first think of human life, and what high regard I place on it.  Everyone who has been born and lived has worth…for life itself has incomprehensible value.  I believe that we each have a responsibility to live our lives in a manner worthy of the very gift of life we’ve been given.  I challenge everyone, myself included, to live out the rest of our days with a dignity, strength, confidence and grace that will set the example for others to follow.  Can you imagine what goodness will happen if we do just that?

Peace and love,



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A Quote to Carry You – July 29, 2013

a quote to carry youA Quote to Carry You

July 29,2013


“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

I have long admired these words; they have helped to bring me back to basic truths when I have gotten away from them.  Everyone has worth and a purpose in life.  I believe that we all have the responsibility to live up to what we were meant to be. May you always live in a way that honors that, no matter what the circumstances, let others see and know your best at all times.



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