Tag Archives: bulbs

On Maturity

On Maturity

maturityA Quote to Carry You

November 16, 2015

“We all create the person we become by our choices as we go through life.  In a real sense, by the time we are adults, we are the sum total of the choices we have made.”  Eleanor Roosevelt

On Maturity – Our world is constantly changing and that is especially evident during this time of year.  As autumn begins transitioning into winter, with the days getting shorter, and the air getting colder, it’s hard to believe that we were basking in summer’s sun not long ago.  Given we’ve already had our first frost of the season here in the Northeast, I took the opportunity to plant my spring bulbs a couple of weekends ago.  As I gathered my gardening tools and started digging into the ground, I couldn’t help but think about how much something as simple as planting bulbs illustrates the necessity and magnificence of maturity.

Although there are many varieties of bulbs that sprout during spring, summer and autumn, they all require a dormant period which allows them to develop their root systems.  Spring bulbs even require cold temperatures to start their biological clocks,  After spending a few hours strategically placing each bulb into the perfect spot in my garden, and carefully covering them with soil and decorative rocks, no one would have guessed they’d been tucked away beneath the ground.  It won’t be until months later that all of the seemingly lifeless bulbs will be coaxed to sprout out of hibernation, bursting with vivacious beauty by the warmth that springtime brings.  And so it is with maturity…

As we journey through each day of our lives, we too require difficulties, trials and periods in which we have no choice but to wait.  For it is during those times that our own maturity is perfected.  Like those inert bulbs that I’ve recently planted in the dark, seclusion of the earth, the more we are exposed to challenges that cause us to develop an inner strength, the more we grow and the more we have within us to help propel us forward to become the persons we are meant to be.  When that strength of character is displayed in a noble way…the beauty of maturity blossoms.

May your maturity bloom in a way that will brighten the lives of others.

Peace and love,


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Believing Through the Darkness

believing through the darkness

“Lights in the Darkness,” photograph by Felecia R. Weber 2014, OntheWingofaDove.com

Believing through the darkness into the light…what a revelation awaits us there!

“In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.  The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”  John 1:4-5

If you’ve been busy getting started on decorating your home for Christmas as I have, you will likely agree on how frustrating it can be to untangle the string of Christmas tree lights before hanging them (or tossing them away!).  The title for this post Believing Through the Darkness came to my mind just at the moment I did grab the trash can and was ready to throw my wad of lights into it.  Taking a deep breath, I decided to plug in the darkened bulbs one last time, and you know what?  The tiny lights seemed to sparkle, as though they were smiling at me.

Believing through the darkness, those times when our lives are not so cheery and bright, can be just as frustrating as dealing with tangled lights.  The thing is, we can’t just toss our lives away now can we?  Nope, we have to live them one day, one hour, one minute, one second at a time. Each increment of time can represent the knots in the string of lights that get even tighter when we tug and pull on them trying to get them apart.  The more we think about a problem that has us completely tangled, it wraps around us so tightly that we become trapped under a heavy coating of darkness that seems to smother us.

When I started tackling my mound of twisted strings of lights for a second round, I took one strand at a time and followed it through to the end.  As I cleared one strand, and then another, it felt as though I was following a unique path full of twists and turns with each one.  The same is true for each of our lives…we travel along dark and bumpy roads, yet when we get to the clear, smooth highway just ahead of us, our journey becomes filled with the warm glow of hope that sees us through to our destination.

I eventually got the lights all in order and strung around the tree.  My frown turned into a brilliant smile, as I stood staring at all of those tiny sparkles that dazzled before my eyes.  What a delight it is to see my little tree standing there, adorned with the twinkling array of colors and welcoming me home when I pull up to the driveway…it is the same glow that fills my heart when I think of the true light that fills my life; who’s birth we celebrate during this Christmas season.

May the life that Jesus Christ offers be the true light that guides you on your life’s journey.

Peace and love,


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