Tag Archives: Bible



Breathe – Photograph property of www.OntheWingofaDove.com

Breathe – life is short so we need to live it…

”Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”  Genesis 2:7


Life is short, so we need to live it.

Life is not about chance.

It’s a gift…we need only to receive it.

Man determines his steps, God directs his paths.

When we step out, there’s no turning back.

That I can assure you; believe it.

When we’re all caught up and fear grips us tighter…

Open up, let Him in…and breathe.

They say we control our own destiny…is that really true?

Can we cause the sun to rise? Can we cause it to set?

Does the world stop based on the things that we do?

There is nothing that happens beyond God’s control.

All power in heaven and on earth is in His hands to extol.

Darkness can’t exist where His light abounds.

Feel His love…and breathe.

Felecia R. Weber 2018, www.OntheWingofaDove.com

Breathe – Have you ever thought what it would feel like to not be able to breathe?

Breathing is one of the most elemental of all bodily functions.  Without it, we simply cannot survive.  From the time we enter into this world until the day we leave it, there is something we must all do…breathe.  Certainly breathing, in the physical sense is essential…but what about breathing on  the spiritual level.

When we breathe physically, we inhale, taking oxygen into our lungs, and the oxygen flows through our bloodstream, where nutrients are carried to our cells for sustenance and healing.  Then we exhale, and carbon dioxide is expelled from our lungs, ridding our bodies of toxins.  Although we have the ability to hold our breathe for activities such as swimming underwater; breathing basically happens automatically.

The breathing process is instrinsic to our spiritual well-being as well.  Like inhaling oxygen, we require regular intake of God’s living Word, the Bible, to nourish our souls.  The more we fill our spiritual lungs with the truths of scripture, the more we are able to expel what is not part of God’s good and perfect will for our lives.  Similarly, when we choose to breathe in the polluted ways of our imperfect world, we eventually feel the suffocating effects of not edifying our hearts with what truly gives us life…God’s Word.

”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.  Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.  In him was life, and that life was the light of men.”  “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.”  John 1:1-4, 14 NIV

In preparation for celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, may you take some time each day to open your Bible…and breathe.

Peace and love,


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”Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”

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When I Look Outside My Window

When I Look Outside My Window

When I Look Outside My Window – Photograph property of www.OntheWingofaDove.com

“When I look outside my window – oh the beauty I see…the entire world opens up to me!

”Just because the past didn’t turn out like you wanted it to doesn’t mean your future can’t be better than you imagined.”  —Anonymous

When I Look Outside My Window

When I look outside my window,

Oh the beauty I see,

Colors so deep, so bright…

The entire world opens up to me.

When I look outside my window,

All is fresh and green and bright!

No darkness, no sadness, no fear at all.

All I ever wanted is within reach; it’s within sight!

When I look outside my window,

Oh, I can never look back…

What’s in the past is gone.

My future is full, there is nothing I lack.

When I look outside my window,

The Lord’s abundance awaits me there.

His love, His caring, His provision you see…

It’s all I need…and nothing else can compare.

Felecia R. Weber 2018, www.OntheWingofaDove.com

When I look outside my window – some days that scenery can be very drab and grey.  Sometimes it makes me just want to roll over and fall back asleep.  Other mornings can appear so bright, I feel as though the sun’s rays will burn a hole through the blinds! That’s how I feel when I think of what the Lord has planned for each and every one of us who put our trust in him.

”No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.” —1 Corinthians 2:9

My heart always seems to stand still whenever I read the above verse from the Bible.  I can’t help but feel a wave of exuberance that flows through my body, just like when I look outside my window and everything is vibrant and inviting.  I can almost feel the warmth of God’s love shining down on me just thinking about the future that he has planned for me!

Can you fathom all that God has planned for you?  Can you imagine his goodness and glory all rolled into one?  No one can conceive such an awesome delight…but when you trust in him, you’ll experience the peace, the provision, and love that is ours through the gift of his Son.

Peace and love,


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”Be inspired, explore…reach higher…soar!”


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On Sustenance

On Sustenance

on sustenanceA Quote to Carry You

August 24, 2015

“And he said to me, My grace is sufficient for thee…”  2 Corinthians 12:9

On sustenance – These days we are bombarded with all kinds of choices when it comes to food. One would think that whatever he eats, as long as it is food, would provide the nourishment that his body requires, right?  Well, we all know that that just isn’t true.  When it comes to sustenance, defined as something that sustains life or health, making the right choices definitely matters.  I have proven this time and again…when I indulge my sweet tooth a little too much, the effects that I experience afterwards are not so sweet.  More importantly, although those sugary treats do provide more than sufficient calories, they are empty calories that provide health destructing rather than heath restoring energy.

I find that this principle doesn’t only apply when it comes to providing sustenance for my physical body.  It can also be applied to my spiritual needs.  Whenever I indulge in focusing on things that are contrary to the Bible, God’s living Word, such as yielding to feelings of anger, prideful thinking, and selfish behavior, I am only filling my heart with empty promises.  The more I let myself continue in those ways, the more malnourished spiritually I become.  Sooner or later, I realize that I can never sustain a true sense of peace, contentment and joy apart from the sustenance that only God can provide.  And, indeed, his grace is always sufficient for me.

Are you seeking the kind of sustenance that will truly meet all of your needs?  May you find out for yourself the glorious ways in which God will do just that whenever you ask him to.

Peace and love,


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How Can We Know For Sure?

how can we know for sure

Photograph courtesy of Martin Watson

How can we know for sure? What is your standard that guides your life?

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28

How can we know for sure?  That is a broad question I know, but when it comes to discerning what is the absolute best for us, it encompasses virtually everything we do in life.  We make decisions constantly throughout each day.  Obviously, some are more important than others and they impact our lives in varying ways.  I do believe, however, that we all have some standard, an absolute foundation, upon which we base our decisions.  In fact, that standard is what guides us…period.

I remember how, as a young child attending Sunday School classes at church, I loved listening to all of the stories that were read to us from the Bible.  My mind would instantly fill up with vividly colored images of the people and places that were described in detail inside its pages.  Sometimes the words seemed to come to life as the characters acted out their parts on my private stage.  Although I could never really truly envision what God actually looked like, He was always there in each story guiding and instructing, protecting and providing for the Bible characters.  No matter how each story began, or what happened in between, I always knew that God would make everything work out well in the end.

Now, more than ever, there is nothing of greater importance than knowing what God’s will and purpose is of me.  For without His guidance and presence in my life well, I truly have no life!  When it comes to making decisions, or doing anything really, my foundation and standard for living is based on His Word, the Bible…it sustains me with life-giving hope.  Unlike when I was a little girl listening to the Bible stories, I don’t know what is going to happen “in between” my own life story.  Many things have happened thus far that I truly had no idea would.  But I can honestly say with confidence, that I know for sure, that God will make it all work out beautifully.

How do you know for sure?  What is your standard that guides your life?  If you haven’t an answer…I can assure you, the Bible is a good place to start.

Peace and love,


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