Tag Archives: armed forces

On Honoring Others

On Honoring Others

honoring othersA Quote to Carry You

May 25, 2015

“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”  Nathan Hale

On honoring others – To honor someone means to respect and recognize them for some exceptional task they have performed.  I doubt that anyone would argue that the most noble act that one can do for another is to lay down his life for them.  So many of our brave members of our Armed Forces committed themselves to doing just that every time they took up their weapons and entered into battle.  As we set aside time for honoring others on this Memorial Day, there is no escaping the solemnity of the ultimate sacrifice that so many willingly gave.  Freedom comes with a price, and the price that so many of our military men and women paid can never be fully recognized.

May you join me in honoring others on this Memorial Day by pausing and giving thanks for what they gave up for you and me.

Peace and love,


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A Quote to Carry You – November 11, 2013

A quote to carry youA Quote to Carry You

November 11, 2013

“Those who have served, they know truly what it means to sacrifice.  Those who have served, they know how precious life is.”  Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com

Sending my heartfelt gratitude to all those brave men and women who have served in our armed forces throughout the years.  Your selfless commitment to defending, protecting and preserving what we as a nation hold dear will never be forgotten.

Happy Veterans Day



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