Something more…personal growth sometimes feels like going into the unknown…something challenging, something intriguing…something more.
“Jonathan Livingston Seagull, unashamed, stretching his wings again in that trembling hard curve–slowing, slowing, and stalling once more–was no ordinary bird.” (Excerpt taken from the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach)
Have you given much thought about what you want out of life? Your limits; what you are capable of? What if you dared to go beyond…to find something more? These are pretty challenging questions I know. We all have various roles that we play in our daily lives. The demands of each day cannot be set aside, and we must tend to them. We go about fulfilling the tasks at hand sometimes automatically, with little effort or thought put into each activity. Before we know it, the sun has set, night has fallen, and a new day is on the horizon….with its own set of challenges. How can we possibly go beyond all of that?
I am no stranger to the “stuff of life,” and many times, I simply cannot fit everything into a twenty-four hour period. As strange as it sounds, however, I think that part of my ability “to go beyond” is rooted in just that. In regard to the questions that I’ve posed here, I am still not completely sure what I want out of life; I entrust that to God who always leads me in the most wonderful ways. That being said, I am rarely content to stay put for long; life has too much to offer for that. I am always for striving for something more, to keep at it, to see how far I can go, to see what I can really achieve. For me, taking a little more time, going beyond what is ordinarily expected and not settling for less than my best, makes whatever it is that I’ve accomplished all the more rewarding and deeply valued.
The best example of putting these principles into practice that I can offer is when I focus on the things that I am passionate about. As a creative person, I consider these questions in an artistic vein. Sometimes ideas flood my mind so quickly, I feel I may drown before I can jot them all down. As I sift through each thought, they become like grains of sand too numerous to count. I am exhilarated by the seemingly endless flow; it fills me with a sense of freedom. The freedom that spawns the courage I require to answer these questions in a real way; the freedom to venture out into the unknown…to seek and accomplish something more.
Whatever it is, why not take the time to develop it, to expand upon it…make it something more.

Passion is the key to success, life, and achieving something more.
Indeed, passion is what motivates us and inspires us to explore, reach higher…to soar!:-)
Peace & love,