So, You Say

so, you say

Photograph courtesy of my niece, Leia Gabrielle

So, you say don’t try too hard.  But if I don’t dream…I will merely sleep.

“Life is meant to be lived…so live it!”  Felecia R. Weber,

So, You Say

So, you say I shouldn’t do that.

It’s not what’s expected.

But, what if I do?

Will the world fall apart?

So, you say it’s too risky.

What will others think?

But, what will others think?

Does that really matter so much?

So, you say slow down,

tomorrow’s another day.

But, what about today?

Why not fill it up fully first?

So, you say don’t try too hard;

that way you won’t be disappointed.

But, if I don’t dream…

I will merely sleep.

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

Many times we have to follow our own instincts, that God-given voice that provides wisdom and guidance when we are not certain what to do.  Those whom we trust can provide valuable insight and advise…but ultimately it is your life to live. Taking risks; exploring territory that you’ve never even imagined; taking the plunge into something you’ve always wanted to try…life is meant to be lived…so live it!”

Be inspired, explore, reach higher…soar!

Peace and love,



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So, You Say
Article Name
So, You Say
So, you say don't try too hard. But if I don't dream...I will merely sleep.

3 thoughts on “So, You Say

  1. Lew

    It’s a beautiful photo and a wonderful poem that inspires us to be our best.

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  2. Pamela Starkey

    Leia is beautiful. I’d love to hear her play again.

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