Shepherd…I can think of nothing more comforting than the thought of me being a helpless sheep with Jesus as my Shepherd…
“The King of love my Shepherd is,
Whose goodness faileth never,
I nothing lack if I am His
And He is mine forever.”*
Protector, comforter, provider, friend, caregiver, gentle guide…the one I want to follow…
Shepherd…What’s in this word for you? If you can tell me, please do!
“The Lord is my Shepherd,” (Psalm 23:1). I can think of nothing more comforting than the thought of me as a helpless sheep with Jesus as my Shepherd. My late husband Stephen, without a doubt, also found great comfort in knowing that he needn’t fear anything, for under his Shepherd’s care, everything was complete. This became more evident to me as I watched him live out his last day. Although his body had deteriorated a great deal from the cancer that had spread so rapidly, he seemed to be adorned by a pensive strength that allowed him to walk through our home, room by room, seeming to take all of his fond memories into his heart for safekeeping. He responded to my words and watchful care with a quiet, attentive grace, yet I knew that his mind was very far away. At one point, as he rested a few hours before he passed, he stretched out his arm as though he was being gently led to a place that the serene expression on his face told me was where he was most willing to go…
“In death’s dark vale I feel no ill
With Thee, dear Lord, beside me;
Thy rod and staff my comfort still,
Thy cross before to guide me.”*
At that moment, the peacefulness that my dear one surely was experiencing made me pause and think of the green pastures and still waters that our Shepherd promises to lead us to and through. When my Stephen passed, I know that our Shepherd, Jesus, restored his soul…
“And so through all the length of days
Thy goodness faileth never;
Good Shepherd, may I sing they praise
Within Thy house forever.”*
*All verses by Henry W. Baker, “The King of Love My Shepherd Is.”
Peace and love,

May he rest in peace.