On Waiting
A Quote to Carry You
August 17, 2015
“Sometimes, waiting for something makes it all the more worth it…and in some cases, especially when we don’t receive what we were waiting for.” Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com
On waiting – In today’s society, we have become so used to instant gratification. As soon as we obtain something, we may hardly even appreciate if before we are on to the next. I’ll admit that I have allowed myself to fall into that trap. Even when I’ve waited for a very long time for something to happen or to finally receive what I have been waiting for, before long, and often not very long at all, I begin focusing on the next thing that I am hoping for.
Fortunately, there have been plenty of things that I’ve been waiting for that haven’t come to fruition. And, funny as it may sound, those are the times that have turned out to be the most valuable to me. Does that make sense? Let me explain. When I have longed for something and have had to wait for a period of time to receive it, I have learned that the actual process of waiting spawns patience. In learning to be patient, I’ve developed endurance. Through enduring the waiting period, I’ve gained strength. Being strong, I’ve learned to be prepared to accept the outcome…whether I receive that which I have been waiting for or not. Therefore, in the end, I am at peace, no matter what. Now that is something worth waiting for…don’t you agree?
Peace and love,

Felecia beutiful tribute to Steve
Love Mom
Learn to wait, have patience, and enjoy the small things life has to offer. You’ll appreciate the larger events that much more.