On Uniqueness
A Quote to Carry You
November 9, 2015
“The question is not what we intend ourselves to be, but what He intended us to be when he made us.” C.S. Lewis
On uniqueness – Do you ever ponder the fact that in all the world, there is absolutely no one exactly like you? You are different from each of the other billions of people who’ve ever lived. Uniqueness, being the one and only you, is something that we all possess. Thinking about our uniqueness even further…do you ever wonder why you are who you are?
In our uniqueness, each of us has something to offer that no one else can give. Only you can be you, and only you can use what you have to accomplish what you’ve been created to accomplish. When I think about all of the talents and abilities that God has equipped me with, I feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility to share what I have with others. No matter what it is that I write, or draw, or create, my own uniqueness is a part of whatever I do.
You too, have a unique set of gifts, may you discover them and use them…and may your own uniqueness shine through to those around you.
Peace and love,

I’m happy we are all unique individuals, it would be a boring place if we were all the same.