On Sustenance
A Quote to Carry You
August 24, 2015
“And he said to me, My grace is sufficient for thee…” 2 Corinthians 12:9
On sustenance – These days we are bombarded with all kinds of choices when it comes to food. One would think that whatever he eats, as long as it is food, would provide the nourishment that his body requires, right? Well, we all know that that just isn’t true. When it comes to sustenance, defined as something that sustains life or health, making the right choices definitely matters. I have proven this time and again…when I indulge my sweet tooth a little too much, the effects that I experience afterwards are not so sweet. More importantly, although those sugary treats do provide more than sufficient calories, they are empty calories that provide health destructing rather than heath restoring energy.
I find that this principle doesn’t only apply when it comes to providing sustenance for my physical body. It can also be applied to my spiritual needs. Whenever I indulge in focusing on things that are contrary to the Bible, God’s living Word, such as yielding to feelings of anger, prideful thinking, and selfish behavior, I am only filling my heart with empty promises. The more I let myself continue in those ways, the more malnourished spiritually I become. Sooner or later, I realize that I can never sustain a true sense of peace, contentment and joy apart from the sustenance that only God can provide. And, indeed, his grace is always sufficient for me.
Are you seeking the kind of sustenance that will truly meet all of your needs? May you find out for yourself the glorious ways in which God will do just that whenever you ask him to.
Peace and love,

Feed your soul, it’s the best way for complete satisfaction. Sometimes it’s the simpler things in life that stay with us longer.