On Sufficiency
A Quote to Carry You
October 12, 2015
“The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.” Vincent Van Gogh
On sufficiency – Sufficiency, having enough, is a wonderful thing. It provides us with a sense of security and satisfaction. After all, we do not know what tomorrow will bring, and what fills today’s hours are sufficient enough to see us through until we get there. Living for today, however, does not mean just that…we do have a responsibility to prepare for what lies ahead in the future. What I’ve just written sounds a bit contradictory, I know, but is it really?
There is a delicate balance between so many things in life…being full of worry and anxiety verses being concerned but walking in faith about a situation for example. We walk the tightrope between trekking through today and stepping too far into tomorrow constantly…or at least I do. Sometimes I have wandered so far into tomorrow that I feel I’ve already lived it and I’m ready to leap into the day after. When I continue to forge ahead into the future, I find myself stumbling back to the present, often times frustrated and exhausted too. Indeed, the principle of living on the sufficiency for the day proves to be the best way to maintain a sure-footed stride through today…and there is plenty left for tomorrow.
Walking in balance between today and tomorrow always seems to be the wisest way to go. For when we strive always to do our best with what we are given today, I believe the results of our efforts will pave the way for a rewarding tomorrow.
Peace and love,

Sufficiency is always feeling you have enough, and not letting your wants control you and your happiness.