On Planting Seeds
A Quote to Carry You
September 28, 2015
“Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don’t have any problems, you don’t get any seeds.” Norman Vincent Peale
On planting seeds – Every season brings with it winds of change. With every change comes a host of challenges. I believe how we choose to deal with challenges that enter into our lives, determines how we’ll succeed at overcoming them. No matter how large or small a problem has the potential of becoming, once the seed is planted, the way we prepare and sustain ourselves through it, determines whether we will harvest a bunch of weeds or a beautiful bouquet of wild flowers.
This concept makes me think of how I go about preparing for the transition from summer into autumn. As a crispness fills the air, and the days grow shorter, these changes in nature remind me of the harsh weather that is sure to follow in a few months time. As I spend time deep cleaning my home and packing away the lighthearted leisure of summer, I begin focusing on the contrasting heartiness of autumn, filling the rooms with the deep, earth tones that it brings. I begin pulling out sweaters and jackets to shelter myself from the daytime chilliness and layer myself with blankets to keep warm when the briskness of the cooler nights bites.
I liken all of these things to planting seeds that stout and grow, enabling me to face an entirely new environment as the new season continues to move in. Like fertilizing and watering soil for healthy plants to develop, knowing that I have prepared for the transition of one season to the next, somehow gives me a sense of comfort and security that an abundant harvest brings. When I am confident that I have everything in order and ready for the coming months of seasonal change, I can truly enjoy all of the beauty that blossoms and surrounds me.
Like summer fading into fall, when we get through one challenge, another one is there awaiting our attention. When the winds of change begin to blow in your direction, may you go about planting seeds that will yield a most enjoyable and magnificent bounty for you.
Peace and love,

It’s the decisions we make every day that directs the course of our lives.