On Intimacy
A Quote to Carry You
June 8, 2015
“Sometimes the only way the good Lord can get into some hearts is to break them.” Fulton J. Sheen
On intimacy…By definition, intimacy is a relationship marked by acquaintance or familiarity. It is something essential, innermost, personal and private. It is the foundation upon which close friends can build a lifetime of shared experiences. Intimacy has a way of touching our hearts so profoundly that it can be one of the most valuable treasures that life can offer us.
Although having an intimate relationship with another is a most wonderful thing, it is not an inseparable one. Be it by death or some other circumstance, it can end whether we want it to or not. When the bonds of intimacy between individuals are broken, we needn’t despair. When it comes to true intimacy, which I personally describe as being the deepest and purest love that anyone can ever experience, God is the answer, for his love is complete. Having created us, he knows every intricate detail about each of us. He is faithful and promises to never leave nor forsake us. He knows how to fulfill our heart’s desire, and he longs to do just that…forever, I can’t think of a better example of intimacy than that, can you?
Peace and love,

Connecting with someone on such an intimate level separates friends from acquaintances. I prefer a deeper relationship.