On Giving and Thankfulness
A Quote to Carry You
November 23, 2015
“The more I give, the more thankful I am.” Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com
On giving and thankfulness – There are many things going on in our world today that sadden my heart. Sometimes even just hearing about all of the anguish, strife and suffering that continues to grow throughout our nations is so overwhelming that it threatens to steal my joy. Not only that, but I often feel inadequate to make a difference; to help in a significant way. When it comes to giving and thankfulness, however, I find my solace.
The more I give, the more thankful I am. In fact, it is in giving, that I receive. There is something about giving that fills my heart and fuels my joy more that any other activity that I engage in. When I literally see a face brighten, or read words of thanks that express how much my efforts are appreciated, I receive so much more than I can ever give.
During this season of giving and thankfulness, may you receive an abundance of joy as you give of yourself to others.
Wishing you a very Happy and blessed Thanksgiving.
Peace and love,