On Fortitude
A Quote to Carry You
January 4,2016
“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” Psalm 18:2
On fortitude – Fortitude, defined as the strength of mind that allows one to endure pain or adversity with courage, can be interpreted in different ways. To one person, it can mean having a will strong enough to get them through anything that threatens to impede their path. To another, it may mean having the physical strength to withstand any ailment that would have otherwise undermined their health. For me, fortitude has less to do with my own abilities when facing life’s choppy waters. Rather, it has everything to do with God’s life preserving power.
Although this new year is only a few days old, it has brought with it a whole new set of challenges just waiting for me to dive into. In fact, when I peek out at the turbulent waters stirring around me, I realize that no amount of my own fortitude will be enough to even lift me off the diving board. It will take much more strength and sustaining power that I alone can muster to keep me from merely treading water to stay afloat. Indeed, when it comes to tackling each lap of adversity that seeps through in the days ahead, I need to rely on the steady strokes of the Lord’s capable, all sufficient arms. For through his guidance and wisdom, I can plunge into the stormy waters of the future with assured confidence that he alone will see me safely to shore.
When the floods of adversity burst into your life, rather that succumb to becoming submerged by our troubles, may you too seek the life preserving power of the Lord…for he is the only one who truly has the power to save you.
Peace and love,

Felecia, you had and now have ” the turbulent waters stirring around you”. By God’s enabling grace you have and are surviving “not somehow but triumphantly”. BBB
Indeed, the Lord has and will continue to safely see me through to a peaceful shore. Until then, I am clinging to him…and I am safe and secure in him. All praise to him!❤️
Facing difficulty head on.