On Endings
A Quote to Carry You
December 28, 2015
“Verily I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.” John 5:24
On endings – The nice thing about endings is that they herald beginnings. When one thing ends, surely a new thing begins. Life is perpetual, when some part of it dies, another part of it begins. That cycle is true throughout all of nature, and it spans across both the physical and spiritual realms. In a way, endings are not that at all. For endings are beginnings…this is something that has been beautifully demonstrated to me recently.
I have a very dear friend who is nearing the end of her earthly life. Although I have only known Angela for a short time, she is one of those special kinds of people who, when you meet them, it seems as though you’ve known them for your entire life. As I have gotten to know my sweet friend over this past year, I’ve come to realize that God has given to me a very special gift; one that I shall cherish all of my days. It saddens my heart to think that although I have so enjoyed the friendship that I have had the pleasure of sharing with Angela, it has become evident to me that, because of the aggressiveness of her illness, it may not be long before it ends. Despite the very real possibility of our friendship coming to an end, somehow it seems as though it has only begun.
Over these past few months, I have been blessed by having the opportunity to meet some Angela’s family members and friends. It brightens my heart each time they mention bits and pieces about her character to me. Upon meeting this precious soul, I could tell very quickly that Angela had a deep compassion for others and an amazing willingness to help those around her. That instinct was greatly substantiated by the stories about her life that Angela’s husband and mother have so graciously shared with me. Even though Angela can no longer physically express the beauty that lies within her heart, I am reminded of her kind spiritedness whenever I think of her and the way she shared her love with others. In that way, I see this particular ending truly as a beginning.
Endings need not be something to dread, especially when they bring with them the treasures that beginnings can carry with them. The same is true with life. In that God has given each of us the gift of life, it can never truly be taken away…for when physical life ends, spiritual life begins. For those of us who have put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, abiding in his love daily, what a glorious beginning spiritual life in His actual presence will be. As it was when my husband passed on, just knowing that the ending of physical life sets in motion the beginning of eternal, spiritual life in Christ, provides all believers with an awesome sense of security and peace. In that same way, it is my prayer that, when the time comes for Angela’s physical ending, her spiritual beginning in the Lord’s presence will usher in a sustaining hope for her loved ones.
When you face significant endings in your own life, may you experience the hope, joy and sustaining peace that their true beginnings bring.
(I dedicate this post to my dear friend Angela Mullings, who at the time of this writing, (12/10/15), continues her battle with cancer. I want to thank you for being such an amazing inspiration to all of us who’ve been given the opportunity to know you. Indeed, your kindness, compassion and love will live on through the lives you’ve touched throughout all eternity. I love you sweet friend.)
Peace and love,

Excellent comments about Angela. She has begun the new beginning with our Lord in heaven.
A touching tribute to a very special friend.