No boundaries, no limits…that’s a great concept to motivate us to venture out, but what do we do when we spring forward out of the starting blocks?
“Running provides happiness which is different from pleasure. Happiness has to do with struggling and enduring and accomplishing.” George Sheehan
No boundaries, no limits…I often feel like I am limitless when I run. When I am in my “zone,” I feel as though I can run for miles and miles. In my mind, my legs transport my body through many beautiful, sun-drenched landscapes, even though the icy cold of winter surrounds me. In my mind, words of determination and discipline drive me as I pound out each step, while my knees seem to beg me to stop! Many situations in life can be likened to the mental versus physical struggle that I experience when I run. We encounter many physical obstacles that threaten to hinder us from reaching our full potential. Yet, when we dare to close our eyes and head toward the goal or vision that lies before us, that is when we often discover that there really are no boundaries, no limits.
It would be irresponsible of me to indicate that life is so carefree that we can do what we want, when we want, how we want, and where we want. If that were true, we’d live in constant chaos; some limits and boundaries are obviously necessary and required. But when we are bold enough to go beyond what we perceive to be safe and familiar, our personal boundaries expand into areas whose limits are vast enough to allow us to grow, to reach new heights, and to accomplish those things that we thought we never could. No boundaries, no limits…thats a great concept to motivate us to venture out, but what do we do when we spring forward out of the starting blocks?
Part of the journey is a matter of just moving forward and absorbing all that we can…and sharing with others what we’ve taken in. Breathing deeply and consistently, listening to the inner cadence of my heart pounding, and being radiantly covered by a blanket of sweat generated by my own body heat are all physical things that I experience while pounding out my daily miles. They are not so appealing, creative or exciting…they are just the effects of rigorous exercise really. What keeps me trekking along, however, is what goes on in my mind. There seems to be no limit to the ideas that pop up and spin around in my head so quickly, I can hardly chase them down. It is there that I can cross creative borders that spawn the beginnings of compositions that I can’t wait to sketch down on paper. Endless ideas, endless creative possibilities with no boundaries, no limits all waiting for me to share.
No boundaries, no limits…what about you? Is there anything that inspires you to leap out across your borders into new possibilities? Why not take the first step? Explore, reach higher…soar!
Peace and love,

This is what I tell my son, only you say it so much nicer, thanks.
Well run, indeed!