My Family Tree

My Family Tree

“Family Pride,” a portrait of my niece Leia Gabrielle

My family tree.  My family heritage means more than glancing at old photographs on the wall…it is a part of who I am.

“Like branches on a tree, our lives may grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one.” (author unknown)

My Family Tree

(I dedicate this poem to my wonderful family)

A seed was planted long ago,

one man, one woman, how could they know?

That what they had started would ever be,

the beginning of my wonderful family.

As the branches sprouted, the generations grew,

like leaves of many colors, from many cultures they drew.

Each branch growing stronger, nourishing the others;

sharing talents and gifts between sisters and brothers.

Year after year, the family lives on for different reasons.

Adapting to changes as naturally as the seasons.

There is something that holds us together and we weather the tide;

all these things, family heritage, family love, family faith and family pride.

Felecia R. Weber 2014,

May you always sense the richness of your own family heritage and honor those who’ve walked before you.

Peace and love,


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Article Name
My Family Tree
There is something that holds us together and we weather the tide; all these things, family heritage, family love, family faith and family pride.

4 thoughts on “My Family Tree

  1. Leah Rose

    I treasure our family. I love who we are.

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    1. Felecia Post author

      I do as well dear cousin!
      I love you,
      Felecia Rose
      P.S. I love that we share Grandmother’s name!:-)

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  2. Lew

    I love my family heritage, it’s something I enjoy sharing with my son.

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  3. Felecia

    Yes, it is a wonderful thing to share and pass along from one generation to the next.


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