On Motherhood
A Quote to Carry You
May 5, 2014
“There is one word that describes motherhood best…and that is love.” Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com
I cannot think of any earthly thing that matches a mother’s love. The love between a mother and child is unique and the bond that it forms is so strong that nothing an sever it. A mother’s love knows no limits; there is a depth and security that causes it to flourish despite any difficulty that threatens it. I know Mother’s Day is several days away, but with all of the responsibilities that go along with being a mother, I wanted to start the celebration early!
Here’s to wishing all mothers the very best day ever!
Peace and joy,


Article Name
On Motherhood
DescriptionA mother's love knows no limits; there is a depth and security that causes it to flourish despite any difficulty that threatens it.
Felecia Weber
Love of a father is great too, go Father’s Day!
You are right…not to take take anything away from honoring our Mom for Mother’s Day, but to this day, my younger sister sends a “Mother’s Day” card to my Dad every year too! 🙂
Peace and Love,