Magi…wise men, seeking hope from afar…
Wise men seeking hope from afar.
What was it they sought,
as they followed that star?
Majesty, power, greatness and all?
No, what they found was far greater,
and at the sight; to their knees they did fall.
Majesty, wise men, star, night, humble, royal, Bethlehem, a wondrous sight.
Magi – What’s in this word for you? If you can tell me, please do!
The Magi were thought to be mysterious and wise. They followed the star that led them to the place in which they expected to find someone so impressive that they traveled afar, bearing luxurious gifts. But what they found was a most humbling sight indeed. For as the shepherds were told, “This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” (Luke 2:12). No grandeur, no pomp and circumstance, yet the King of Kings was born…and He still reigns.
The Magi sought Jesus by following a star. May you seek Him in your own way…and may you find Him.
Peace and love,

“No grandeur, no pomp and circumstance, yet the King of Kings was born…and He still reigns!” Reigns and will reign for ever! Grace and Blessings around Us!
Thanks so much Corina-Christiana!
Peace and love,
Miracle, magic, and mystery