

“Curious Puppy,” meet Halo Rose, our sweet little friend who belongs to our dear friends Dick & Marilyn Hill. This photo was taken during the first of many of her excursions in the snow.

Laugh a little or a lot…but do it often; it’s good for the soul!

“A  joyful heart is good medicine…” Proverbs 17:22


Do it a little, or do it a lot,


“Gotcha!” Halo wrestling with her big sister Penny Sparkle”…I think she won!

sometimes a good laugh just hits the spot!

Life can be serious, wearisome, and a bore.

A chuckle can brighten and so much more!

Those silly things that cause you to smile,

can make all of the difference, and keep you happy for a while.

Go on have a laugh, it is good for your soul.


“Mommy’s Little Helper,” Halo’s days are not all play…she helps out whenever she can!

And when you are broken, it’s  the glue that makes you whole.

A hearty laugh cheers you when you are blue.

A smile is contagious, see for yourself …find out if it’s true.

Felecia R. Weber,



A Happy Day to you!



“Naptime,” Halo taking a snooze…dreaming up more mischief perhaps? 🙂



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4 thoughts on “Laugh!

    1. Felecia Post author

      Thanks Lew…I hope they put a smile on your face!:-)

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  1. Ethelda and Edward

    Laugh always good darling

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    1. Felecia Post author

      Yes, a good laugh always makes me feel great! Halo has made me laugh a lot…she is lots of fun!
      Love you,

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