Inspire Me…Tell me what moves you; what makes you feel alive.
It has been a while since I’ve taken the time to sit down and write. Words are far too precious to me, and not to be wasted, when I really have nothing to say. Today I have a word, one that is multifaceted; one that to me, is alive! What is it, you ask? “Inspire”!
“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.” T.S. Eliot
“Inspire.” It’s the kind of word that is meaningless, unless it is a part of something; unless it “brings forth”. I am inspired right now. Creativity is flowing through my veins; it’s radiating through my fingertips! Can you feel it? What does it inspire in you?
Come now, tell me. After all, one is inspired by an outside source, be it a person or a thing, am I right? Okay, I shall help you. Let me tell you what inspires me.
I love beautiful things, a dew swept field shimmering glorious blades of color in the early light of a newly formed day...are you there? Close your eyes, kick off your shoes! Frolic under the glistening rays of the sun peaking through, as the darkness of the night fades away.
Or the anticipated rush of a waterfall pouring its liquid treasure downward, frantically…go on, absorb the mist! It splashes down, the spray is a rainbow of sparkling droplets that shock and invigorate all at once.
Or the delicate hue of a white rose, pristine, a quiet eloquence that cannot be ignored. Its splendor is offered only for a time…will you stop and gaze upon it? Intoxicating, the fragrance, so appealing, the shape of its petals, have you ever seen anything so exquisite? Reach out, touch it, study it, breathe it in deeply…commit it to memory, for it is here today and gone tomorrow.
Your turn…tell me. What moves you? What is it that brings you to your special place? What makes you feel alive? Inspire me!

I get inspiration from all types of sources… A song, a sound, a word, a picture, a scent… You name it. I love when inspiration like this hits me. It’s all good.
Wonderful to see you post here. Keep up the great writing.
Thanks so much Ray! I really did get inspired just writing the piece! 🙂 Life is so full of wonder and incredible beauty, and it is always there surrounding us; even when we refuse to see it.
May you always find the inspiration to fulfill all that you are passionate about…reach for it, live it! 🙂
My best,
Your writing is an inspiration to me, please keep on posting! 🙂
Thanks so much Lew! You know how much I absolutely LOVE to write…and talk, lol! But seriously, it means the world to me to get to share this gift; I feel I simply am the instrument through which it flows. When I write, I feel like how a cat must feel when she’s purring…I will seek that place always…so definitely more writing to come!
Always and truly,
Inspiration and Freedom are such good friends.
I am inspired when my visual art students first experience the heady freedom of the creative process, when he or she first comprehends, that in art, there is no ONE correct answer to any problem
or any ONE correct way to do a task.
When I teach, I say “these are the elements, this is the principle,…this is the way you could do it…UNLESS you have a good reason to do it otherwise.”
Truly experiencing the creative process is one of the best ways to get close to our Creator.
Group problem solving is especially inspirational. It is energizing to see sparks of epiphany fly
person to person to person and be fanned to FIRE by a group. Good ensemble dance, music,
and theater is similarly exciting. gestalt. The WHOLE is always stronger than the sum of the parts.
Thanks, Felecia, for your blog and your gracious invitation to stop a moment and feel the Divine.
You are always an inspiration.
Hello Pam; welcome!
My you’ve certainly inspired me with such a wonderful comment. There is much to ponder in what you’ve written. I love the way creativity stimulates those who are exposed to it…I cannot imagine the world without it!
I am so pleased that you a part of my world!
Peace and love, indeed you are a blessing,