Imagine – What’s in a word?
”There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination and wonder.” —Ronald Regan
Imagine – What’s in a word?
Imagine what things would be like,
If the world could read your mind.
What types of things would they see?
Would they be giving, loving and kind?
Imagine what you would do,
If you could live your dreams.
To be the person you were meant to be…
It’s not as hard as it seems.
Felecia R. Weber 2019,
Imagine – Now that’s a word that can potentially have as many meanings as whatever the mind can conjure up. Many times when this word is uttered, it’s in such contexts as, “Can you imagine that?” The answer to that question is most probably yes. But what if we take it on step further? If you can imagine it…can you do it? Can you have it? Can you be it?
The human imagination is a powerful creation in itself.
Why not use it to imagine something positive, something worthwhile, something achievable?
To create a mental image, to wonder, to suppose what is true…
Imagine – What’s in this word for you? If you can tell me, please do!
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Love this message … for motivation