I Once Was Lost…but now am found…
“Amazing grace produces amazing faith!” Felecia R. Weber, OntheWingofaDove.com
Isn’t it funny how seeing an image or hearing a phrase can bring to mind a certain tune, or a specific time and place that comes alive from your memory to the present? That happened to me recently when I came across the words, “I once was lost.” Can you guess what song immediately popped into my head when I read those words? You’ve probably guessed right; that old, familiar hymn, “Amazing Grace.”
Once that song entered into my mind, it stayed with me for a long time. As I hummed the melody and sang the words that I could remember by heart, I began to reflect upon what those words were saying to me. “I once was lost, but now am found…” I typically think of an article of clothing or some miscellaneous object hanging on a rack or stuffed into a box awaiting its rightful owner when the words “lost” and “found” are placed in proximity to each other. I remember not long ago, being disappointed after having left a sweater behind at a gathering and how delighted I was to have found it just as I had left it the following week. There are countless other times that I could mention where I have lost and later found something that was important to me. The fact is that there is always a sense of sadness and frustration followed by gratitude and relief in even the simplest instances.
There is nothing miscellaneous, about being lost spiritually. For our spirituality speaks volumes about us. We cannot deny that essentially… it is who we are. We all know when we are lost, when we are not where we want or need to be. Similar to the feeling we have when we are far away from our physical home and familiar surroundings. When our hearts are in a foreign place, we are unsettled. Try as we might, we just don’t feel satisfied, comfortable, secure. Indeed, when we are lost…we are are not content until we are found….until we are where we need to be. As when we return from an extended journey. When we turn the key and open the door, the familiar smells and sounds of home flood our senses. We close our eyes and say to ourselves…”I’m home!” Being “lost” is inevitable in each of our lives…but my hope is that you may know truly what it is to be “found”.
“What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost.” Matthew 18:12-14
Peace to you,

Such a talent with your words and your illustrations. Lovely.
Thanks Ray; I love nothing more than to give my gifts to others…I think I am the ones who receives the most when I do… Kind of like that saying, “love finds itself in giving itself away!”:-)
Peace and love,
The decisions we make in life create the “loss and found” of our spirituality.
That’s an interesting perspective, Lew. The decisions we make certainly do impact where we are spiritually, indeed!
Peace and love,
Beautifully expressed and oh
So true
Thanks Mom,
Love you,