Hide and Seek…it isn’t just a child’s game; many of us play it still. But challenges will seek us out and find us, no matter how hard we try to hide from them.
“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7
This month is full of scary tales, lots of mischief and long shadows that loom their dark shapes along our paths. It’s easy to hide away and avoid being seen, but it’s interesting to see what we find when we step out from our hiding places. Is that what we are trying to shelter ourselves from really all that bad? Wouldn’t it be liberating not to be so concerned about those things that cause us to fret?
Hide and seek is a game I play to this day…although I do not like to admit it. I hardly recognize it because it takes on many forms, including procrastination. I bury myself under all sorts of tasks only to find that I’ve still got to face that big challenge or obstacle that is awaiting me in the end. Hiding is the easy part…seeking is too…finding my way and deciding what to do with what I’ve found; now that’s the hard part!
Challenges are part of life. They will seek out and find us no matter how hard we try to hide from them. The important thing is that we need to be brave enough to step out and face them. When we do, they are not always as bad as they seem…especially when we refuse to face them alone. God is always available and ready to help us to not only face, but also to accept and conquer anything that causes to hide…if we seek Him first.
When you find yourself beginning another round of hide and seek…why not let God be your hiding place. You’ll be pleasantly surprised what you find when you seek Him.
Peace and love,

Sometimes it’s easier to hide than face the challenges of life, but you start to bury youself in a hole that gets deeper ans deeper. Face your challenges, don’t hide, and seek answers.