He leads me and I will follow – there is no other way to live…
”The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters…he leadeth me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” Psalm 23: 1-3
He Leads Me and I Will Follow
He leads me and I will follow,
There is no other way to live.
Under your care, with your provision…
I know there is nothing that is good you will not give.
He leads me and I will follow,
Lord may I never look elsewhere.
For you have everything I can ever want or need…
My Shepherd, thank you for always being there.
Felecia R. Weber 2018, www.OntheWingofaDove.com
He leads me and I will follow – There is never any doubt in my mind that God leads us in the way we should go. Sometimes he takes us along routes that are painted so beautifully, they delight our senses in ways that we’d never thought possible. He also allows us to traverse rough terrain, where we may stumble or fall flat on our faces. No matter what we encounter along the way, and whether or not we understand the reason for each leg of our journey, God leads us…but, will we follow him?
That’s a difficult question to answer truthfully. We can say to ourselves, “Of course Lord, lead me and I’ll follow you…anywhere…anywhere you want me to go! I’m there!” Until he takes us up on our offer…and he leads us somewhere that we don’t want to go. The first few verses of the 23rd Psalm…”The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want, he maketh me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters…” ahhh, what a lovely description. Who wouldn’t gladly follow? When we come to the next verse…”Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.”…really?
When the difficulties come, the green pastures grow brown and sparse, and the still waters become murky, do we really have the resolve to follow him no matter what?
It takes time and commitment to develop a relationship with the Lord, our Shepherd. It also takes a high level of trust to be willing to follow him no matter where he leads us. A shepherd spends an immense amount of time with his flock. Not only does he, lead them along green pastures and still waters, as described in the 23rd Psalm, he takes care of their every need. He also protects them from all harm. In essence, one can say that the shepherd is “everything” to his flock. “…and his sheep know his voice and they follow him.” John 10:4
How about you? Do you spend enough time with the Lord, our Shepherd to really know his voice? Do you trust him enough to follow him wherever he leads? I leave these questions for you to ponder. May your answers be ones that allow you to respond truthfully…he leads me, will I follow?
Peace and love,
I dedicate this post to my father-in-law, John E. Weber, Jr. I took the photo for this post during my recent visit with you. I thought of you while writing this post…your selfless love and kindness towards me, and so many others, is a testament to your willingness to follow the Lord, our Shepherd, no matter what. Thank you for being who you are. I love you.
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Your Dove is very thoughtful and we think it’s your best so far !!!
Thanks so much!
Peace and love,