Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater‘s Linda Celeste Simms. Photograph courtesy of Andrew Eccles
Enough – Enough you say when you are at the end of your rope…
“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you’…” 1 Corinthians 12:9
Enough you say when you are at the end of your rope,
When times become so tough that you simply cannot cope.
Enough you say when all you face is struggles and strife.
You ask,”How can I face another day of this life?”
When you reach that point when enough is enough,
That is when you realize nothing really needs to be that tough.
For God has promised to supply your every need;
And the flow of his provision, nothing on earth can impede.
Felecia R. Weber 2015, OntheWingofaDove.com
The past few weeks have been so full for me. With working, traveling, devoting time to my creative projects, work around the house, ministries at church, and making time for my little dog Bilbo, not to mention trying to spend time with friends and family, sometimes I want to say “ENOUGH!” No sooner do I think that, do I start to consider, do I really have enough? Is what I have in my life enough to keep me going? Believe it or not, sometimes I honestly don’t feel that it is.
Losing my beloved husband left a huge hole in my life. The longer the time between his passing and the present grows, the more intensely I feel the resulting emptiness. Granted, I know that the Lord’s will for my life is perfect and I do trust in him completely. I must admit, however, I do sometimes find myself dwelling on what is absent rather what is present in my life. I can tell you, without a doubt though, that I truly do not lack anything in my life, because indeed, God’s grace is sufficient.
This truth was lovingly illustrated to me earlier this afternoon. I was having one of those Saturday mornings when I was missing the ones when my husband and I would sleep in, slowly make our way down the stairs to the kitchen to make the morning coffee, enjoy a walk with our little Bilbo, taking in autumn’s beauty, and catching up talking and laughing about different activities that had filled our week..simple things really. But, oh how mush I miss such times. When I ventured out later in the day to collect the mail, the Lord gently reminded me that no matter what it is that I feel I am lacking in my life, what he provides at any given moment is all that I need.
As I sorted through the mail, I noticed an envelope that was from one of my dear aunts. As I read the words that she had written in her letter to me, it was as though God was whispering words of comfort directly into my heart. I could almost feel my tears being wiped from my eyes. An indescribable sense of calmness came over me. Although he has not removed my loneliness, my Heavenly Father showed me that no matter what I am going through, or how I am feeling, indeed, he is enough.
Sometimes we do not realize that enough is all that we need until we reach the point of saying “enough!” It is only then that we understand that God is enough.
May his grace always be sufficient for you, because he is certainly all that you need.
Peace and love,

Thank you for sharing, Felecia. May the arms of our precious Father hold you tight and may you feel the warmth of His love. God bless you my sister in Christ.
Great photo! Great words of wisdom!