Category Archives: Writing

Writing collection relating to lifetime experiences.

A Constant Example

Constant example

“Bouquet of Chrysanthemums,” 1881, Auguste Renoir. Image from a page of the 2014 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

A Constant Example – We all need someone to guide us from time to time…

“Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.”  Francis of Assisi

A Constant Example

We all need someone to guide us from time to time;

A constant example to look to when we face something new.

We all seek someone to help us along the way;

A constant example to encourage us to take the next step.

I am grateful for those who have done so in my life;

They are constant examples through whom God consistently leads me.

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

I can think of many people who have served as constant examples in my life.  They’ve been the ones to whom I’ve turned to for guidance when I didn’t know what to do.  They were the individuals who’ve provided spiritual and physical support to me when I’ve needed it the most.  Although I am grateful for each and every one of them, I would like to give a very special thanks to the constant example that God has provided for me in my late husband, Stephen.  The excellence and consistency in character that he demonstrated throughout all of our years together, and especially in the example I’ve described below, will always serve as a goal for me to strive for…

During the latter stage of Steve’s illness when we were returning home from our last trip to visit with our family together, our connecting flight was cancelled due to a storm back on the east coast.  As we learned of the disappointing news, I could see the pain and distress in Steve’s eyes.  Although he just sat quietly as I made arrangements to get us booked onto another flight, which meant landing at a different airport and having to rent a vehicle to travel back to the airport that we’d originally flown out of so we could pick up our car, we both realized all of the extra logistics would add several hours to the last leg of our trip home.  That did not even include the drive from the airport to our home.  Steve was already exhausted and he had taken the last of his pain medication, which would not provide relief for him much longer.  To be honest, at that point, I was feeling so overwhelmed, angry and frustrated that I wanted to cry.  It was then that Steve reached out, gently took hold of my hand, and assured me that everything would be fine because God had the situation all under control.  My heart quieted and I sat there  marveling at the calm, stoic strength demonstrated by my constant example.

After a rough flight, waiting in long lines and an uncomfortable ride in the airport shuttle, we eventually made it to the rental car facility.  By then, I had reached the end of my supply of patience.  My feelings of frustration returned when I learned that I would need to drive a mini-van, the smallest vehicle that was available at that time of night, in the heavy rain, and on an unfamiliar, winding parkway for quite some distance.  Again, at that moment, Steve, my constant example calmed me.  While he waited for me to finalize the rental car transaction, I noticed that he was leaning over the counter with his eye closed and his head downcast in his hands.  I couldn’t even imagine the pain that he must have been experiencing, given his pain medication had worn off long ago.  When the representative courteously offered Steve a bottle of water and asked if he would like to sit down, Steve merely answered, “No thank you, I am just not feeling very well,” and he continued to wait quietly until we were all set and ready to continue on our way.

By the time we got home, and had settled into bed, Steve thanked me for taking such good care of him and for making out trip home go so smoothly despite the delays.  At that, I did break down and cry…not tears of frustration, but tears of gratitude for my dear husband, my precious constant example…I thank God every day for such a gift.

Peace and love,


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On Being Consistent

On Being Consistent

 being consistentA Quote to Carry You

November 2, 2015

They might not need me; but they might.  I’ll let my head be just in sight; a smile as small as mine might be precisely their necessity.”  Emily Dickinson

On being consistent – I always smile when I think of my sisters and the of the silly little things that we share.  My younger sister always proclaims, “Baby order!,” whenever the three of us are standing or sitting in the order in which we were born.  My older sister, Marjorie, and I usually respond by rolling our eyes or saying, “Oh brother!,” then we all chuckle.  When Andrea most recently announced that we were in our birth order, I remember thinking to myself, it doesn’t make a difference which side my two sisters are on when they are next to me, I am the middle child, so my place is always the same.  In fact, that is essentially true for all of us.  No matter who is in front of us or behind us, it doesn’t change who we are.  I believe that being consistent in our behavior plays a big part in who we are…and how others interpret us.

We are all creatures of habit to some degree or another.  As we follow the same pattern of doing things or acting a certain way over a period of time, we actually develop a consistent quality of character.  Eventually, those around us recognize and identify those traits as being part of who we are.  If you ask any member of my family what type of person I am, I can say with certainty that they will mention those traits in which I am most  consistent…determined, strong-willed, sincere, to name a few.  Good or bad, what is more important than the type of person our consistent behaviors represent about who we are, is how we demonstrate them in our lives.

Being consistent in character, building the foundation of who others see you to be…may those around you always find a positive example in you.

Peace and love,


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Beyond This Life

beyond this life

Photograph courtesy of Ray Flanagan,

Beyond this life there is something more.  What awaits us there, we cannot ignore.

“However, as it is written:  ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.'” 1 Corinthians 2:9

Beyond This Life

Beyond this life there is something more.

What awaits us there, we cannot ignore.

Will there be still, silence, and darkness as in the night?

Or will God’s peace surround us in His supreme light?

Beyond this life is something to consider you and I.

Death is a part of life; that we cannot deny.

It need not be something of which we are afraid.

For each and every one of us, the price of death has already been paid.

Beyond this life, when we entrust ourselves to God’s love and care,

There awaits us a place that is beyond compare.

There, all darkness fades into light,

Tears are wiped dry and all is bright.

Beyond this life, the Lord has prepared for you and me,

A place where every knee shall bow, in the presence of His glory.

There, He put an end to turmoil, anger, and strife,

For Jesus promises only peace and joy in His gift of eternal life.

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

With Halloween just around the corner, it’s hard not to think about the reality of death. The imagery of graveyards, skeletons, the Grim Reaper, and other scary references to the end of life’s cycle that appear during this time of year certainly do paint a dark and hopeless picture of what lies beyond this life.  At the very least, it seems to be something to be avoided at all cost.  No matter how frightening death is made out to be, it is something that we will all inevitably face.  The good news is, that what lies beyond this life need not be something to fear…it needs only to be accepted.

“For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21

For those who have accepted the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, what God has prepared beyond this life is so incredible we cannot even fathom it.  It is not something to avoid, but something to embrace.  We have nothing to lose, but everything to gain. It is something freely given, born out of perfect love, and it can never be taken away…it is ours for all eternity.  If you haven’t seriously thought about what awaits you beyond this life, I encourage you to consider what will be there awaiting you when turn to Jesus Christ and accept Him into your heart.

May your heart be filled with sustaining hope and joy in knowing that in Jesus Christ, unimaginable blessings await you beyond this life…and all eternity.

Peace an love,


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On Possibilites

On Possibilities

on possibilitiesA Quote to Carry You

October 26, 2015

“I dwell in possibilities” Emily Dickinson

On possibilities – Possibilities are endless, they come in all shapes and sizes, in all colors, and in all forms.  When I think of possibilities, I often think of them in terms of creativity.  When I dream of an idea for creating an item for my budding line of handmade gifts, it is amazing how a single element, such as the texture of a swatch of fabric opens the door for a multitude of possibilities on how to incorporate it’s uniqueness into one of my products.  Before I know it, my head is swimming with all kinds of lovely conceptualizations for intricate and elegant designs for my novelties.  For me, such possibilities have a way of kindling my creative fire…sometimes its blaze far exceeds my own expectations.  When it comes to creativity, possibilities are essential!

How about you, why not reach out and grab hold of your creative possibilities?  Let them pour out of you like a stream of gifts.  May they spill over into the lives of those around you spawning possibilities for them too…like gifts that keep on giving.

Peace and love,


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Dag & Che – Getting Along

getting along

Meet Dag (left) & Che (right), the furry, four-legged “grand-dogs” of my dear friend Claudina (Dini) Owen

Dag & Che – getting along, that’s what they do; the two of them together, is a friendship tried and true!

“Don’t walk in front of me…I may not follow.  Don’t walk behind me…I may not lead.  Walk beside me…just be my friend.”  (Anonymous)

Dag & Che – Getting along

Dag & Che – getting along, that’s what they do.

The two of them together is a friendship tried and true!

getting along

Dag – Posing pretty!

getting along

Che – What a good boy!

Both Dag and Che have unique stories to tell,

But they are truly best pals, they get along so very well!

Dag can be feisty, but deep down she’s so very sweet.

getting along

Dag – All smiles …or snarls?

Che, is playful and one of the friendliest dogs you’ll ever meet.

getting along

Che – Chilaxin’!

Dag & Che – getting along, best friends they’ll always be.

The companionship they share shows how wonderful friendship can be!

getting along

Che (left) & Dag (right) – Always full of fun and mischief!

Poem by Felecia R. Weber 2015,; photographs courtesy of Claudina (Dini) Owen

I had the pleasure of meeting these two four-legged friends a couple of months ago.  Both Dag and Che are rescue dogs, and the stories of how they both became welcomed  additions to Dini’s family are truly heartwarming.  There is no mistaking that both dogs have their own unique quirks and personalities; but getting along is something that they do so well!  I can see why their “grand-dog-mom” Dini loves them so much!

“Calling all dog lovers!”

If you have a four-legged furry friend that you’d like to have  featured in a  poem on my blog, email your cutest pictures and a short bio to me, Felecia at

I hope to hear from you soon!

Peace and love,


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On Respecting Others

On Respecting Others

respecting othersA Quote to Carry You

October 19, 2015

“So God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”  Genesis 1:27

On respecting others – Respecting others goes far beyond getting along with them, or even being nice to them.  I believe that respecting others means to honor them as individuals, uniquely made, even when their views or behaviors represent something completely against what we believe or value.  To me, respecting others has less to do with a person’s actions, and more to do with the person’s value and worth as a human being. We’ve all been given the gift of life, a treasure bestowed upon each of us by God.  In that regard, each and every one of us is precious in his sight.  That being the case, shouldn’t we all, at the very least, go about respecting others?

“…the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life…”  Genesis 2:7

No matter what society says, we are all fundamentally equal.  After all, each of us enters into the world and exits from it in the same way.  God breathes life into us when we are conceived.  We take our first breath of air when we are born, and life escapes our physical bodies when we breathe our last.  The act of respecting others, honoring the dignity of each human life seems so basic.  Yet, according to the tragedies we hear of in the daily news, it is apparently one of the most difficult things to uphold.  It often makes me wonder why?

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  John 3:16

I believe the answer lies within the lines of the above verse. When I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart as a child, I did not fully understand what an awesome sacrifice was made for me, and all mankind, to make it possible to receive not only a new life in him, but life eternal.  In essence, Jesus gave up his life for ours; the ultimate sacrifice, born out of love. The older I get, the  clearer and more important that truth has become to me.  If God so loved each and every one of us that he would demonstrate that love in such a way, isn’t all human life worth respecting?

Respecting others is something that calls for us to peer into our own hearts and face what lies within it.  For, all of us being equal, respecting others essentially means respecting ourselves.  When we value and love others as we do ourselves, just imagine how amazing life can be.

May your respect for others lead to loving others…and may that love lead to a life that is truly worth living.

Peace and love,


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Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater‘s Linda Celeste Simms. Photograph courtesy of Andrew Eccles

Enough – Enough you say when you are at the end of your rope…

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you’…”  1 Corinthians 12:9


Enough you say when you are at the end of your rope,

When times become so tough that you simply cannot cope.

Enough you say when all you face is struggles and strife.

You ask,”How can I face another day of this life?”

When you reach that point when enough is enough,

That is when you realize nothing really needs to be that tough.

For God has promised to supply your every need;

And the flow of his provision, nothing on earth can impede.

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

The past few weeks have been so full for me.  With working, traveling, devoting time to my creative projects, work around the house, ministries at church, and making time for my little dog Bilbo, not to mention trying to spend time with friends and family, sometimes I want to say “ENOUGH!”  No sooner do I think that, do I start to consider, do I really have enough?  Is what I have in my life enough to keep me going?  Believe it or not, sometimes I honestly don’t feel that it is.

Losing my beloved husband left a huge hole in my life.  The longer the time between his passing and the present grows, the more intensely I feel the resulting emptiness.  Granted, I know that the Lord’s will for my life is perfect and I do trust in him completely.  I must admit, however, I do sometimes find myself dwelling on what is absent rather what is present in my life.  I can tell you, without a doubt though, that I truly do not lack anything in my life, because indeed, God’s grace is sufficient.

This truth was lovingly illustrated to me earlier this afternoon. I was having one of those Saturday mornings when I was missing the ones when my husband and I would sleep in, slowly make our way down the stairs to the kitchen to make the morning coffee, enjoy a walk with our little Bilbo, taking in autumn’s beauty, and catching up talking and laughing about different activities that had filled our week..simple things really.   But, oh how mush I miss such times.  When I ventured out later in the day to collect the mail, the Lord gently reminded me that no matter what it is that I feel I am lacking in my life, what he provides at any given moment is all that I need.

As I sorted through the mail, I noticed an envelope that was from one of my dear aunts.  As I read the words that she had written in her letter to me, it was as though God was whispering words of comfort directly into my heart.  I could almost feel my tears being wiped from my eyes.  An indescribable sense of calmness came over me.  Although he has not removed my loneliness, my Heavenly Father showed me that no matter what I am going through, or how I am feeling, indeed, he is enough.

Sometimes we do not realize that enough is all that we need until we reach the point of saying “enough!”  It is only then that we understand that God is enough.

May his grace always be sufficient for you, because he is certainly all that you need.

Peace and love,



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On Sufficiency

On Sufficiency

sufficiencyA Quote to Carry You

October 12, 2015

“The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.”  Vincent Van Gogh

On sufficiency – Sufficiency, having enough, is a wonderful thing.  It provides us with a sense of security and satisfaction.  After all, we do not know what tomorrow will bring, and what fills today’s hours are sufficient enough to see us through until we get there.  Living for today, however, does not mean just that…we do have a responsibility to prepare for what lies ahead in the future.  What I’ve just written sounds a bit contradictory, I know, but is it really?

There is a delicate balance between so many things in life…being full of worry and anxiety verses being concerned but walking in faith about a situation for example.  We walk the tightrope between trekking through today and stepping too far into tomorrow constantly…or at least I do.  Sometimes I have wandered so far into tomorrow that I feel I’ve already lived it and I’m ready to leap into the day after.  When I continue to forge ahead into the future, I find myself stumbling back to the present, often times frustrated and exhausted too.  Indeed, the principle of living on the sufficiency for the day proves to be the best way to maintain a sure-footed stride through today…and there is plenty left for tomorrow.

Walking in balance between today and tomorrow always seems to be the wisest way to go.  For when we strive always to do our best with what we are given today, I believe the results of our efforts will pave the way for a rewarding tomorrow.

Peace and love,


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