Category Archives: Writing

Writing collection relating to lifetime experiences.

On Loneliness

On Loneliness

lonelinessA Quote to Carry You

February 8, 2016

“For me, loneliness offers a silver lining that can only be discovered by those who have had the privilege to have been adorned by it.” Felecia R. Weber, Onthe

On loneliness – Those who’ve spent time with me would likely describe me as being quiet, shy and reserved.  After they really get to know me, “a little chatter box,” would definitely be a more suitable depiction of me.  I do love to converse with  others.  Not only do I get to learn from experiences that they share with me, but I get to impart some of what interests me to them.  Engaging with others in that way makes me feel vibrant and alive.  Contrastingly, like most people I imagine, when there is no one around me to talk to, the zest and excitement seems to fade away quickly, and loneliness threatens to move in.  Before long, like a tenant taking up residence, loneliness gradually begins to feel so comfortable, that it surrounds me even when I am in the company of others.  I haven’t painted a very pleasant picture of loneliness have I?  However, as with many masterpieces, the beauty of loneliness isn’t realized until after it has completed its work and has passed out of sight…

I’ll admit that these past many months that I have walked alone have been the most difficult steps that I have ever taken in my  life.  There have been so many things that I’ve experienced during that time that I pray to God I will never have to repeat.  Yet, there are many others that, as I look back, have become priceless, and I would not exchange them for anything in the whole world.  For me loneliness offers a silver lining that cannot be discovered by those who have not had the privilege to have been adorned in it.  Indeed there is a richness that can only be attained by becoming well acquainted with the solitude of being alone…and I believe that the intensity of loneliness is the part of being alone that makes the experience uniquely one’s own.  It is like the signature that is only inscribed on the canvas when the artist deems his work of art to be “finished.”  It is when one can view his loneliness as a beauty to behold, because of the profoundness  that was perfected in him through it, that loneliness is not that at all…rather, it becomes a fullness that, in my opinion, can never be emptied.

May your lonely days and lonely nights be filled as a canvas with dazzling, colorful lights.  And may you discover the most precious truth too, you will never, ever be alone, when you ask God to walk along side you…

“…because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.'”  Hebrews 13:5

Peace and love,


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On Fortitude

On Fortitude

fortitudeA Quote to Carry You

January 4,2016

“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”  Psalm 18:2

On fortitude – Fortitude, defined as the strength of mind that allows one to endure pain or adversity with courage, can be interpreted in different ways.  To one person, it can mean having a will strong enough to get them through anything that threatens to impede their path.  To another, it may mean having the physical strength to withstand any ailment that would have otherwise undermined their health.  For me, fortitude has less to do with my own abilities when facing life’s choppy waters.  Rather, it has everything to do with God’s life preserving power.

Although this new year is only a few days old, it has brought with it a whole new set of challenges just waiting for me to dive into.  In fact, when I peek out at the turbulent waters stirring around me, I realize that no amount of my own fortitude will be enough to even lift me off the diving board.  It will take much more strength and sustaining power that I alone can muster to keep me from merely treading water to stay afloat.  Indeed, when it comes to tackling each lap of adversity that seeps through in the days ahead, I need to rely on the steady strokes of the Lord’s capable, all sufficient arms.  For through his guidance and wisdom, I can plunge into the stormy waters of the future with assured confidence that he alone will see me safely to shore.

When the floods of adversity burst into your life, rather that succumb to becoming submerged by our troubles, may you too seek the life preserving power of the Lord…for he is the only one who truly has the power to save you.

Peace and love,


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On Endings

On Endings

endingsA Quote to Carry You

December 28, 2015

“Verily I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.”  John 5:24

On endings – The nice thing about endings is that they herald beginnings.  When one thing ends, surely a new thing begins.  Life is perpetual, when some part of it dies, another part of it begins.  That cycle is true throughout all of nature, and it spans across both the physical and spiritual realms.  In a way, endings are not that at all.  For endings are beginnings…this is something that has been beautifully demonstrated to me recently.

I have a very dear friend who is nearing the end of her earthly life.  Although I have only known Angela for a short time, she is one of those special kinds of people who, when you meet them, it seems as though you’ve known them for your entire life.  As I have gotten to know my sweet friend over this past year, I’ve come to realize that God has given to me a very special gift; one that I shall cherish all of my days.  It saddens my heart to think that although I have so enjoyed the friendship that I have had the pleasure of sharing with Angela, it has become evident to me that, because of the aggressiveness of her illness, it may not be long before it ends.  Despite the very real possibility of our friendship coming to an end, somehow it seems as though it has only begun.

Over these past few months, I have been blessed by having the opportunity to meet some Angela’s family members and friends.  It brightens my heart each time they mention bits and pieces about her character to me.  Upon meeting this precious soul, I could tell very quickly that Angela had a deep compassion for others and an amazing willingness to help those around her.  That instinct was greatly substantiated by the stories about her life that Angela’s husband and mother have so graciously shared with me.  Even though Angela can no longer physically express the beauty that lies within her heart, I am reminded of her kind spiritedness whenever I think of her and the way she shared her love with others.  In that way, I see this particular ending truly as a beginning.

Endings need not be something to dread, especially when they bring with them the treasures that beginnings can carry with them.  The same is true with life.  In that God has given each of us the gift of life, it can never truly be taken away…for when physical life ends, spiritual life begins.  For those of us who have put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, abiding in his love daily, what a glorious beginning spiritual life in His actual presence will be.  As it was when my husband passed on, just knowing that the ending of physical life sets in motion the beginning of eternal, spiritual life in Christ, provides all believers with an awesome sense of security and peace.  In that same way, it is my prayer that, when the time comes for Angela’s physical ending, her spiritual beginning in the Lord’s presence will usher in a sustaining hope for her loved ones.

When you face significant endings in your own life, may you experience the hope, joy and sustaining peace that their true beginnings bring.

(I dedicate this post to my dear friend Angela Mullings, who at the time of this writing, (12/10/15), continues her battle with cancer.  I want to thank you for being such an amazing inspiration to all of us who’ve been given the opportunity to know you.  Indeed, your kindness, compassion and love will live on through the lives you’ve touched throughout all eternity.  I love you sweet friend.)

Peace and love,


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All Is Bright

all is bright

The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater’s Jacqueline Green in “Cry.” Photograph courtesy of Paul Kolnik

All is bright on this holy night, hear the angels’ voices sing!

“Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.'”  Luke 2:13

All Is Bright

All is bright on this holy night,

Hear the angels’ voices sing!

Alleluia, our Lord and Savior is born!

And the gift of salvation to us did He bring!

All is bright on this holy night,

Come and see what from long ago was foretold.

The Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Lord of all;

There is no other glory in earth or heaven to behold!

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

Wishing you and yours the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of New Years!

Peace and love,


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On Brightness and Light

On Brightness and Light

on brightness and lightA Quote to Carry You

December 21, 2015

“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”  John 8:12

On brightness and light – It is amazing how connected we are to nature.  I don’t know about you, but during these months when the days are shorter and the nights are longer, my energy level goes way down and I find myself feeling tired much of the time.  My general mood seems to be more somber too.  Once I return home from a days work, I rarely feel like venturing out into the darkness of a late autumn/early winter night.  There is just something about the dimness of this time of year that casts a shadow over me.  What is interesting though, is that in the midst of the darkness of this season comes the contrasting brightness and light that the hope of Christmas brings.

As the above Scripture declares, Jesus is the light of the world…that truth cannot be denied.  Even in nature, when winter’s solstice heralds in the lengthening of days, just the thought of brightness and light enhancing our days seems to energize our surroundings.  With the streams of flickering lights adorning trees and houses in our neighborhoods throughout the Christmas season, that brightness and light really does shine in the darkness.  I imagine you’d agree that we are all attracted to the brilliance of the light, and it not only brightens our streets, but it causes our hearts to glow with the hope and wonder that was offered to each one of us on the night that Jesus Christ was born.

As the days grow longer and the seasons change from the dead of winter to the liveliness of spring, may you consider how much the brightness and light (and life) of Jesus Christ can enhance your life when you step out in faith and let Him shine in your heart.

Peace and love,


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A Hill’s Hounds Happy Christmas

happy ChristmasA Hill’s hounds happy Christmas – “What’s that?” you ask of me.  Read on and I’ll tell you what you can expect to see…

A Hill’s Hounds Happy Christmas

A Hill’s hounds happy Christmas

“What’s that?” you ask of me.

Well grab some hot chocolate; pull up a chair,

And I’ll tell you what you can expect to see…

happy Christmas

Mardi Gras

First, sitting up from his cozy bed, posing quietly,

There’s Mardi Gras dressed like Santa; he’s as cute as can be!

happy Christmas

Penny Sparkle

Next, there’s Penny Sparkle, and what an adorable sight!

She’s nestled under the Christmas tree; with her eyes dazzling bright.

happy Christmas


Then, I think there’s a reindeer that I see with my eyes…

Hey! Wait a minute…it’s little Oscar in disguise!

happy Christmas


Finally, there’s Halo, adorned in her holiday scarf; she looks so pretty too.

If she could talk, she’d say a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!

Poem by Felecia R. Weber 2015,; photographs courtesy of Marilyn Hill (dog-mom of the “Hill’s Hound”)

“Calling all dog lovers!”

If you have a four-legged furry friend that you’d like to have featured in a poem on my blog, email your cutest pictures and a short bio to me, Felecia at

I hope to hear from you soon!

Peace and love,


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All Is Calm

all is calm

“In the Stillness,” photograph courtesy of Lisa Richter

All is calm in the stillness of this night, but through the darkness a heavenly light glows…

“He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still!’  Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.”  Mark 4:39

All Is Calm

All is calm in the stillness of this night,

But through the darkness, a heavenly light glows.

As God’s peace fills the air, it filters through every heart,

And as we yield to His love, oh how that light within us grows.

All is calm in the stillness of this night,

There is nothing on earth that can compare,

For God so loved us, that He gave to us His only Son,

Oh what a precious gift that we’ve been given; and it is ours to share.

Felecia R. Weber 2015,

May you take the time to pause in the stillness of this night, and contemplate what great a gift God gave to this world, when Jesus Christ was born.  More importantly, may you receive that gift of salvation into your heart, and share it lovingly throughout the world.

Peace and love,


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On The Power of Peace

On the Power of Peace

on the power of peaceA Quote to Carry You

December 14, 2015

“And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:7

On the power of peace – The power of peace is amazing and it can enable so many wonderful things.  When I experience peace, it causes me to smile; it allows me to rest; and most importantly, it causes me to focus on the things that are most important to me.  The power of peace became even more evident to me while preparing for Christmas this year; and I will cherish what I found in it…

One of my favorite things to do at Christmastime is to bake my grandmother’s Italian Christmas cookies.  Every year, I pull out the tattered recipe and go out and purchase the  ingredients.  After setting up the kitchen with all of the bowls, stand mixer, rolling pin, cookie cutters, and cookie sheets, I embark on my day long task of baking.  I’ll admit that by the time I begin making the second or third batch of dough, covered in flour dust I might add, I start feeling a bit fatigued and overwhelmed, wondering if I’ll ever finish.  Then, by the time I’ve iced and sprinkled candies on the last cookie, and I stand back and survey the kitchen table filled with all of those colorful treats, the power of peace pours into my heart and it fills me with an overwhelming joy.

The joy that I feel is not so much the happy relief of having completed my baking for the season, or having a tangible symbol of my labor of love to share with others.  My joy goes deeper than that.  You see, for me, the power of peace is manifested in the sense of closeness that I have to those who are dear to me.  When I am baking and singing along to the Christmas carols playing in the background, it feels as though I am a young girl again standing next to my grandmother, rolling out the dough and putting the finishing touches on our little “works of art,” as she used to call them.  While I am carefully packing each cookie into tins decorated for the holidays, I can almost hear the voice of my sweet husband telling me how beautiful and delicious my baked goodies are.  While labeling each cookie-filled package, I find myself smiling with delight as I envision each recipient delving into and savoring all of those sweet treats.  That close connectedness that I feel towards my loved ones, of both my past and present, floods my heart with a peace that is so powerful, I can hardly describe it.  Indeed, it is a peace that transcends my understanding.

May the power of peace fuel your heart and soul this Christmas season, and may it reveal to you the fullness of the love that God bestowed upon us through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Peace and love,


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