Category Archives: Writing

Writing collection relating to lifetime experiences.

Thoughts of You…


Thoughts of You

“Iris Blossoms”, Lew Eliacopoulos (

Thoughts of You…let this be for whomever you need it to be.

I shared this poem, “Thoughts of You…”, with my sister Marjorie, a while back.  After reading it, she asked me, “Who was that one about?”  My answer:

“Hmmmm, what a question!  Interesting, when I write, things just kind of come to me, I don’t always have anyone in mind, really.  My words come from dormant emotions that demand to be released.  It’s like, I close my eyes, deafen my ears, and let my feelings take over.  They dance upon the keyboard; they make their own music.  I can’t do it any other way.  It’s more pure when I don’t attach anyone to what I write.  That way each piece kind of has its own identity…it stands alone, apart from boundaries, not confined; free to just ‘be’.  Continue reading

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“Over the river and through the woods…”

over the river and through the woods

“The Forest at Pontaubert” , 1881, George Seurat. Image from a page of the 2012 Desk Calendar, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store

Over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house we go…

That old familiar song, “Over The River And Through The Woods”, popped into my head while I was out walking our dog the other day.  I don’t know why I thought of a wintry song, when we have had some of the hottest days of the year so far.  Perhaps I was trying to cool off subliminally.  The thick summer air, the intermingling fragrances of evergreen trees, dry grass and honeysuckle, all reminded me of the summers my sister and I spent at our grandmother’s house.   Being bathed in the heat and these heavy natural scents all caused me to smile and led me down the proverbial memory lane.

“The song may be out of season, but my memories of the summers spent with my grandmother never are…” Continue reading

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Love, the heart of the matter

Love, the heart of the matter

“Tulips” colored pencil drawing, Felecia R. Weber,


A dear friend of mine once asked me what I thought about God, as related to His creation…

Love, the heart of the matter.

In my opinion, the human body is the most incredible of all created things…for it was created in God’s image. In His image;  what an awesome thing to ponder. We cannot comprehend it, yet, we are wonderfully made. Continue reading

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Music, indeed it’s good for my soul…

Cello music instrument

“Betty’s Cello”, graphite & colored pencil, Felecia R. Weber,

“I think I should have no other mortal wants, if I could always have plenty of music.  It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain.  Life seems to go on without effort, when I am filled with music.” George Eliot

Music, it gets into my soul…

Out of all of the genres of music, classical, especially the rich, eloquent sound of a baroque era adagio, stirs my being the most.  Oh what emotions clamor and peak, when the intense mingling of the strings of violins and cellos being beautifully played, filter through to my heart!  When I nestle down before my drawing board, Continue reading

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Colorful reflections….to brighten your day.

colorful reflections of an orange lily with raindrops

“Orange Lily Glistening with Raindrops”, Felecia R. Weber,

“Dazzling, glistening, beaming, bright… Can you imagine a world without color?”

Mmmmmm, I am listening to the most delicious piece of music by Erik Satie, “Gymnopedi for Piano No. 1”, colorful and soothing. It causes me to reflect upon one morning, not too long ago, when I was awakened by the most brilliant rays of the sun filtering into the bedroom window.  It was the  Thanksgiving holiday.   I’d just opened my eyes for the first time that morning.  I happened to Continue reading

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Inspire me with what moves you.

Inspire Me!

“African Violets” Felecia R. Weber,

 Inspire Me…Tell me what moves you; what makes you feel alive.

It has been a while since I’ve taken the time to sit down and write. Words are far too precious to me, and not to be wasted, when I really have nothing to say.  Today I have a word, one that is multifaceted; one that to me, is alive!  What is it, you ask?    “Inspire”!

“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.”  T.S. Eliot

“Inspire.”  It’s the kind of word that is meaningless, unless it is a part of something; unless it “brings forth”. I am inspired right now.  Creativity is flowing through my veins; it’s radiating through my fingertips!  Can you feel it?  What does it inspire in you?

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